Chapter 34 Welcome Back, You Are Back Aren't You?

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

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Chapter 34 Welcome Back, You Are Back Aren't You?

Bright yellow light. Fire. Lightning. Surging heat. Lighter than air. I feel my body rise high, higher, higher still. A mighty surge of heat enters me, engulfs me, becomes me totally; I am the heat of a thousand suns. I am one with the power of the God. It is through him that he uses me. We have become one, we, through the power of unity send out a mighty energy to the four corners. “I release thee oh God of glory, God of power, to the ends of the four extremes of my reaches, my elemental brethren. Spread forth thine powers, we seek aid and assistance. Oh Holy Master of Light. As we seek so shall it be.” I feel my body lift higher still... then begin to spin wildly; the power surging through me spiking hotter than imaginable; spinning out through the ends of my extremities. I feel as if I am lying flat out, spinning. Then nothing, Black. It is over.

Opening my eyes very slow, I start to look around. The sun is barely starting to stream in through the balcony glass doors, playing off of the blues and greens of the walls, and ceiling colors above and around my bed. Shifting my gaze over my shoulder to where I hear the sounds of someone sleeping that must be, who... I slowly pull back the covers and step out of bed looking down at my frilly covered body. I have on a pail ocean green nightgown covering my body with delicate lace around the cuffs of my wrists and hem. I quietly pad across the room in my bare feet tippy toeing to where the sounds of sleep are coming from to peak around the divider wall, hidden peacefully sleeping there is the most delicate looking woman I have ever seen. Though, she looks so familiar as she wrinkles her nose up in sleep, I have seen that expression before someplace. I back away from the divider wall very slowly so as to keep from waking her, turning, I go over to the wall of doors, I open first one, then another, ugh... these are not my colors. I close both doors, moving on to the next two and look in, now this is more like it. I reach in pulling out a long blue number, long with a wide skirt that flairs out with petticoats underneath; it has a corset top in a much lighter shade of blue. I pull it out and move on to a free standing chest of drawers, and start opening them till I find a matching set of panties then head into a room I remember from the night before. I step out of the frilly nightgown, and step into the shower and... Just how did that girl last night turn this darn thing on again?

After fiddling with it for fifteen minutes I almost gave up; it started streaming down all over my head, hard and fast. I made hast; in no time I was washed, dried, dressed in that oh so pretty number I found, twirling before a mirror in the bedroom. I looked hot in this dress if I do say so myself. Damn! Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that word for some reason? Now what was it exactly? 'Mother? Is that you?' I heard in my head. That was the reason! I have a daughter; so I was told. Now what was her name again? 'Mother, it is, Diana. You still don't remember me?' Oh my. She sounds dejected. “I am just a bit sad, really. Mother.' “I am sorry... um... honey.” I said out loud.

Diana came around the divider wall still dressed in her nightgown looking so sad. “Mother, you look so nice in that. I have the same dress in silver.” I looked down at what I had on thinking what it would look like in silver. Ah... no! I couldn't see that on me. “Silly you hate silver. You will only wear greens or blues nothing else. Sliver is my color.” She explained.

“So. My cousin the one in Yellow last night...”

“She mostly only wears yellow,” she finished for me. Well, she did look great in that dress. “Yes mother you made it for her.”

“Are you reading my mind?”

“Yes. Sorry, it is a habit. We do it all the time just like you usually talk to me the same way in the morning till we go down for breakfasts. It is just easier,”

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