Chapter 8 Care to Go for a Swim?

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 8 Care to Go for a Swim?

Yesterday while relaxing at our beach, the sun was shining brightly, the day was hot and sunny with a temperature that soothed the sole. We really enjoyed our time swimming as a family unit; even Wilda and Stela joined us swimming.

Today there is two feet of snow covering the ground and the wind is blowing with an Arctic blast like non other. The world as we know it is really screwed up where the climate is concerned—between the exceedingly thin ozone layer and all the smog these days from the industries—the humans have succeeded to almost kill off their own world themselves. Time and again we have tried to tell the heads of state that they are killing themselves off by their excessive emissions, but did they listen? The answer is? No! So here we all sit inside our manor while the outside weather rages down into the single digits and me sitting here with a one day sunburn from just the day before. I know it sounds funny, a vampire with a sunburn, but what can I say it happens when I spend the whole day out in the sun without first beefing up on my normal extra glasses of blood before going out for a day in the sun. Hey you should see Icka over there by the fireplace bundled under three thick blankets she is just as red as I am if not redder.

We are all snuggled up under blankets on the floor in front of a nice roaring fire Bavo keeps going for us; it is a natural fire with no emissions. It is nice having him around sometimes like this when we are all shivering from sun poising which for us should last less than a few more hours once we all get enough Royal blood in us. The Lady Gaia made a special trip over to Germany to pick some up for us, but had to wait for the King, Queen and Lady Xandria to get it ready first. She should be here any second now. *Poof* Right on time look what the witch dragged in, Lady Gaia just popped into the sitting room with a large container in her arms.

“About time you got back with that stuff. I am freezing to death over here girl.” Icka told her

“Yeah what took so long? Hurry up and serve that before I shake this place to the ground I am so c-co... cold.” Burr.

“Hold your feathers I will get the glasses and be right back.” she laid down the container on the table furthest away from us then flashed to the kitchen then back with two crystal goblets in hand and began to poor two full glasses of the brightest red blood I have ever seen. “Here you two drink up there is more where that came from.” I threw back my glass full in three big gulps then handed her my glass for a refill. I could feel the energizing rich Royal blood surging throughout my system repairing all the damage I had done the entire day out in the sun yesterday. Slowly my insides started to warm up. The second glass I gulped down two thirds before I had recovered enough to start sipping the rest down. I had finally found my equilibrium not too cold, not too hot, just right. Sighing. To my right I heard Icka let out a sigh of her own, I guess she met her perfect temperature as well. I shed mt blankets and stretched out before the fire.

“Bavo, you can cut down the fire now it feel good in here, finally.” It really did feel good finally. I looked over to see Icka curled up like a kitten by the fireplace purring. Yup purring just like a house cat fast asleep. Contented. It was so precious. “Would you get a look at Icka” I whispered to Bavo and Lady Gaia so as not to wake my sister Icka.

“She must be really tired and very comfortable there by the fire to be purring like that.” Lady Gaia commented.

“Really,” Bavo stated.

“Let's leave her to sleep.” I suggested. I stood up stretched again then made my way to my couch and reclined in it for a nice long nap. There isn't much you can do with a blizzard raging outside the window now is there. Four hours later I woke to a quiet house; everyone else was still asleep in their chairs enjoying dreams I assume. I stretched and rose up, and headed to the kitchen to seek out Maria for a snack. She was making dinner when I found her hard at work in the kitchen it smelled awesome. Garlic potatoes, a huge summer salad with the works thrown in, rare steaks dripping in blood just the way Bavo and I like them, and mushy peas like we had over in the UK office that I have grown to love. Yum. “Hi Maria how soon till we eat I am starving?” I tried to sneak a potato out of the salad bowl. “Ouch!”

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