Chapter 27 The Fifth Element Has New Clothes

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 27 The Fifth Element Has New Clothes

I woke early in the morning, again, to noises; it is rough being a light sleeper. Wilda, was just exiting my bedroom, and closing my door as I looked over that way. I looked around the room to see why she had come into the room in the first place to see hanging on my armoire clothe rod some new clothe wrapped in a clear wrapper, and on the floor were several pair of shoes to match, and a pair of boots. I guess they had rushed out a quick order last night for Diana so she would have something to wear till the remainder of her new things came in. I laid my head back down and went back to sleep.

When I woke again I was presently surprised to see Diana dressed in a simple dress like the ones I love to wear a pair of matching flats on her feet, and her hair braided all the way down her back. She looked wonderful. I rose up out of bed to head to the bathroom to go potty, and to take a quick shower, and get ready for the days activities. “Morning Diana you look lovely. I like your hair that way I think I will do mine the same way when I finish showering. Be right out.” I picked out a dark moss green dress and headed into the bathroom to shower and change. When I came out Diana was sitting in a chair reading one of the many books I have in my personal library. “What ya reading?” I asked.

“This book of rules by the High Council. It is quite old from way back in the 1990's” She held up the book to show me.

“Yes that one is. I believe that is the tenth version they came out with. There are I believe eight more since then, that was the last one in paper form, it is why I keep in around.” I explained, it is my love for all things old, especially old book.

“Are you ready to go down stairs?”

“Can I flash us?” She asked

“Well, I guess you could try, come here let me teach you how first. Hold my hands tight. Now, picture the sitting room where there is nothing in the way, next, hold that firmly in your mind. Then picture you and me disappearing from right here where we are standing then traveling through that door then down the hall, down the stairs, and across the hallway then into the sitting room to where you pictured us standing and have us both reappear. Do you think you can do that?” I asked.

“I think I have it” I felt the familiar tingle through my body, when we flash, then we disappeared from the bedroom. I felt us traveling; my body felt like it was floating on air like it always does, just a lot slower than normal. More carefully. It twisted and turned then I felt like I was falling over. Then my body righted itself, and finally I became visible again. We were standing right smack dab in the center of the sitting room facing the door that led back out to the hallway. “Very impressive, Diana for your first time you did excellent.” I looked down at my communication device to see it took just over a minute to get down here from the bedroom. “Not too shabby at all if I do say so myself.” I pulled her into a side arm hug and spun her around, and walked over to my couch, our couch, and plopped us down to watch the early morning news before it was time to go in for breakfast. “You'll get the hang of it soon enough Diana. Keep practicing, it will get faster, that is how I learned when I was little. Practice makes perfect.”

We stayed there till I heard Maria in the kitchen banging pots and pans around then we walked into the dining room to sit and wait for the others to get there. The rest of the day we spent out at the lake practicing different things that might be useful out on a mission, even Lady Gaia joined in.

The week flew by soon we had a large delivery—by large I mean huge, large. A new custom built armoire that matched mine in our room, and just as large when installed was filled to the brim with all Diana's new dresses and one beautiful gown—I was quite upset by it, this was supposed to be a match to our uniform gowns with a corset top and flowing skirt. It wasn't—the rest of her dresses were beautiful. She even managed to get a dozen pair of shoes in all styles. Her dresser that was in her section of the room was also filled to the brim with personal undergarments as well as a beautiful supplies. There were over a dozen nightgowns all in different shades of silver, some with delicate lace tops and sheer skirts. Like she has anyone to wear them for. She better not, not my daughter. The one good thing they did make for her was a pair of very dark pair of silver pants, and a top to match for missions, and matching boots; heck they even threw in a matching pair of long glove. Even I don't have a pair of them; that will change really soon I am ordering a pair in black today.

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