Chapter 35 Flash On, Put... Put... Stall!

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 35 Flash On, Put... Put... Stall!

Waking up I stretched my arms out wide they felt stiff from being underused for so long, even when I went to stand my legs were wobbly, still. I guess over two weeks in bed wasn't the best thing on a body. Too much rest can really be a bad thing for a person, even if that person is a bonafide Vampire. Shaking my head I walked over to the balcony, and threw open the two doors, it was cold out this morning, but..., it felt good on my fevered skin from being under a too warm duvet and having a raging fire going all night in our room in the fireplace. The cold morning air was just the thing to wake this tired body up and bring new life to it. It felt invigorating. I stepped back inside the room, and closed the doors pulled the sheers, then headed to the armoire to pick out something winter-warm to wear. A simple number is perfect for the day, a wool, green, floor length dress, hanging free-flowing off my shoulders. “Yes, this number should keep me warm all day.” I headed into the shower to wash then change. When I came out I headed to Diana's armoire to select something for her before waking her up. My fingers danced around the differing materials before falling upon a similar material to mine. I pulled it out before traipsing behind the wall to wake my daughter so she could shower as well and get ready to head down to the sitting room before breakfast.

“Diana? Honey are you awake yet?” I lightly shook her shoulder. A definite side sleeper just like her mother. I giggled at how much she resembled me. “Wakey, wakey,” I musically rang out giggling again. Goddess what has gotten into me?

“Mother? What is it, are you okay?” Diana asked.

“Perfect!” I laughed out. “Come! Get up, times a wasting. I picked out something nice and warm for you to wear. Go get your shower, and get dressed I am starving. Well? Get a move on!” I threw back the covers from her bed, and helped her up and handed her the dress I picked out, but forgot her unmentionables, oops. “You might want to stop and pick up a pair of panties on the way I kind of forgot them.” I suggested. “I will be waiting for you, so, hurry, please.” She left to go shower and change while I wandered about making her bed first, then mine and picked up our clothes we wore last night before bedtime and tossed them in the hamper so Wilda had less work to do. When Diana came out I helped her with her hair, braiding it down her back in a single long braided tying the end, and several spots up the middle with silver silk ribbons. She looked so precious that way if I do say so myself. It was time to head down to the sitting room to check the morning news. We joined hands to flash down. I concentrated on where I wanted to go then... Nothing. I tried again... Still nothing? Hum? “What the heck is going on here?” One last time... Wham... Bam... SLAM! “Ouch that hurt!” We hit the floor like a wrecking ball slamming into a wall. I slammed us to the floor so hard my teeth rattled in my mouth. Standing back up dusting I dusted myself off. “Wow that never happened before!” I exclaimed still rubbing my butt. “Darn, that was some rough landing.”

“I'll say. What happened up there?” Even Diana was rubbing her backside.

“I have no idea. The flash wasn't working, so, I gave it more power, then even more, still, then finally,” I shook my head side to side. “I guess I must have built up enough power to rocket us down here come heck or high water. Giggle.” I shook my head this is the weirdest morning ever. We walked over to the couch plopped down, and got comfortable I looked down to my right arm; I forgot my Flexi-vuescreen upstairs, I never forget to put that on. “Diana? Honey, would you do mother a huge favor? Would you run upstairs and get my Flexi off of my nightstand where it is on the charger? I forgot to take it this morning?”

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