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Just as I was about to close the gap between us someone knocked on the door.  We pulled away blushing.

"Let's just forget this happened, okay?"  I said

She just nodded while looking away.  I chuckled.  I went to open the door and saw my parents at the doorstep.

"Umma, appa.."  I said

"Yoongi!  Oh my baby!"  my mom said

She let herself inside as well as my dad. 

"How are you?"  my mom asked

"Fine."  I replied

She nodded.  She went into the living room and saw Ji Hyun playing on her phone.

"Oh, who are you?  Are you my son's girlfriend?"  my mom asked

Ji Hyun stared at her for a good 10 seconds.  Then she started blushing uncontrollably.

"Uh, umma.  She's not my girlfriend.  She's here for a project."  I said, hoping she would think there was nothing going on between us.

"Oh, I see.  What's your name, sweetheart?"  she asked Ji Hyun.

I was honestly surprised when my mom called her sweetheart.  She's only been here for a few minutes and she's already taking a liking to her.

"I'm Park Ji Hyun.  Nice to meet you."  Ji Hyun said

She held her hand out and my mom gladly shook it.  My mom sat down on the couch with Ji Hyun and started talking about random stuff with her.  I sighed and walked up to my dad.

"How are you doing?"  my dad asked

"I'm okay I guess.."  I said

"You know, that girl is really pretty.  You two would look great together y'know."  my dad said wriggling his eyebrows at me.

"Ew, I would never."  I responded

But I lied lol

"Your loss, aha."  he said and walked into the kitchen.

"Would you like to stay over for dinner?"  my mom asked Ji Hyun

"No thank you.  I'm fine."  Ji Hyun replied back

"Oh, well okay.  I'll see you next time?"  she asked

"Maybe not.  I have to get going now.  Goodbye."  and Ji Hyun left with her clothes in her backpack.

I sighed and went upstairs.

"You're not hungry, dear?"  my mom asked

"Ani, I'm not in the mood to eat."  I said

"Okay then.  By the way, me and your father will be going on a business trip in America.  We will be there for about a week."  she said

I just nodded and went inside my room.  For some reason, I kept thinking of Areum.  She beautiful and so nice.  She's so caring, and she's everything Ji Hyun's not.

I sighed loudly.  I know I've only met her a few days ago, but during those few days I've developed feelings for her.  *god i'm so cringey

After probably like 4 hours thinking, I've come to a conclusion.  I'll tell Areum how I feel on Monday.  I hope she accepts my feelings.


It was Monday, the day I was going to tell Areum how I feel about her.  I saw her walking down the hallway talking to Ji Hyun.  They looked like they were friends.  Weird, Ji Hyun doesn't make friends easily.  Whatever..  I ran up to Areum and tap her shoulder.

"Hey!"  I said smiling brightly

"Oh, hey, Yoongi!"  she said while smiling.

Ugh, I can't resist that smile.  It's so perfect.

"Uh, can I talk to you for a moment?"  I asked her

"Oh, I'm sorry, Yoongi.  Class is about to start in a few minutes."  she replied

"Please!  It's important, seriously."  I said

"Uh," she looked at Ji Hyun and Ji Hyun just nodded.

"Just go with him, pabo."  Ji Hyun said

She looked back at me and said, "Okay!"  she smiled and followed me to the roof

"So, why did you bring me here?"  she asked

"Uh, aha..  This is embarrassing." I said feeling kind of nervous

She stared into my eyes and started to smile.

"Just tell me."

I sighed heavily.

"I-I like..  I like you."  I said.

GOD I'm such an idiot!  Why did I stutter?

"So, will you be my girlfriend?"  I said nervously

She stared into my eyes for a while.  I was waiting for her answers until she smiled and hugged me.  I take it that she said yes.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend."  she said while smiling happily

I sighed in relief and hugged her back.

"I love you."  I said

"I love you too."  she said back to me

We hugged each other tighter and stayed in that position until the bell rang.


After Areum left with Yoongi to talk somewhere.  I got bored.  Oh yeah, I was hanging out with Areum because she's my new friend!  Surprising, right?  I'm not one to make friends quickly, but Areum, she understands me.  She was like one of my friends when I was little.  She was cute, kind, smart, cool, and she is nice to everyone.  And for some reason, I fell for that.  

Anyways, after I got bored, I decided to ditch because I didn't feel like going to class.  I pulled out a box of cigarettes and a lighter and walked up to my hangout spot -- the roof.  As I reached the door, I was it was open a little.  I assumed someone was on the roof as well, so I peeked to see what they're doing.  And what I saw kind of hurt me..

It was Yoongi and Areum..  and they were hugging each other!  

I started breathing heavily.  I didn't realize little tears were falling from my face.  Then, the bell rang.  They stopped hugging each other and was about to head towards the door.  I panicked and ran downstairs into the hallway.  I grabbed my stuff from my locker and ran out of the school.  Luckily, there was no one there to see me cry.

As I got home, I went up to my room, locked the door, and started to cry my heart out on the bed.  I never thought it would hurt me that much to see Yoongi with another girl.  I don't even like him!  Or... do I?




WELL hello there once again.

This chapter isn't as long as my other ones, but it's still pretty long.  Anyways, WHO DO YOU SHIP TOGETHER??





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