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I'm sorry for the last chapter.  It was really short and I was kind of tired.  I hope you can forgive me :)

Its been a few days since Yoongi didn't come to school.  I was a little worried, his friends even came up to me and asked where he was.  I told them I didn't know, and they said he wasn't in his house.  His parents haven't seen him either, which makes me extremely anxious.  Its not like him to miss school.  I think he's still not over Areum, I mean, he did really love her.. Not that I'm jealous or anything..

I didn't want him to think I like him since I was worried and looking for him, so I went to my grandmother's hometown, Daegu.  My grandmother was the only one who cared for me when my parents left me.  My grandfather died when I was 7, that was the time when my parents starting treating me like shit.  I took my car to the train station and got a ticket to Daegu.  Before I got on my trip to Daegu, I saw a familiar figure standing by the train.  I didn't see his face since he had a mask on but, he was wearing a black hoodie, glasses, ripped jeans, white Jordans and a cap.  I didn't really see us hair color because he had his hood on, but he was going on the same train as me.  As I was about to get on the train, I shifted my eyes towards the guy again but he was gone.  Hmph, maybe he was already on the train.  I stepped inside and saw that all the seats were taken.  I sighed since I had to hold onto the nasty, sticky, gross, bacteria looking pole.  I'd rather fall than touch that thing.  I looked around the train to find any seats that didn't have anyone sitting there but, no luck.  Then, I saw the guy in the black hoodie again.  As soon as our eyes meet, my heart stopped for a second.  It was like we've met before.  He has cat-like eyes like Yoongi.  We stared into each others eyes, not caring about the people around us.  We didn't even realize the train started moving.  We were staring into each others eyes until the announcement broke our eye contact.

"Attention all passengers, we will be arriving to Daegu in 10 minutes."

After the announcement was said, I turned around to see that the guy wasn't there anymore.  When I arrived at Daegu, I immediately rented a hotel for myself.  It was really late and I didn want to present myself to my grandma having dark circles.  I saw the same guy walking to the receptionist.  Odd, I keep seeing him everywhere.  I walked up to the counter just to hear these words.

"I'm sorry, we only have one room left."  the lady at the counter said.  "Would you two like to share a room?  There's only one bed though."

"We'll take it."  the guy in the hoodie said.  Shit, am I really going to sleep in the same room as a stranger?  He sounded familiar though.  His voice, his eyes, his clothes, his scent..  It reminded me of Yoongi.  We walked together to the elevator without making eye contact or talking.  The awkward silence made the atmosphere feel pretty weird.  As soon as we stepped inside the room, he took off his glasses and cap.  He didn't take off his mask for some reason.  He also took off hoodie and shirt.  He has perfectly toned abs and a nice body.  I felt my face heat up and turn a bright red.  I couldn't stop staring at the sight of his muscles.

"Are you going to stop staring?"

Shit, I got caught.  I put my head down and didn't say anything.  I just got up and went to the bathroom with clothes and a towel.  I took a nice, warm bath to clear my mind off of that guy.  Who was he anyway?  I got out of the bathtub and put on a t-shirt and comfortable shorts.  I dried my hair with a towel and used the blow dryer.  I walked out of the bathroom to see the guy sleeping on the couch with a white shirt and sweatpants on.  His face was covered by the pillow so I couldn't see his face.  I plopped myself on the soft bed and thought about Yoongi.  As I was slowly drifting to sleep, I heard someone call my name.

"Ji Hyun.."  My heart stopped for a few seconds as he said the next three words.  "I missed you."



back with another a/n :)
thank you for reading I think I love you
also sorry for any grammar mistakes

not edited

I think...I love you ; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now