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I heard the door open and I saw..

Min Yoongi..

What was he doing here?  Isn't he supposed to be in class?  Oh god, what if he saw the photos?  SHIT he's coming towards me.  I tried running away as soon as he was a few meters away from me, but he starting running too and eventually caught up to me.  He grabbed my wrist tightly which hurt like hell.

"That hurts!"  I yelled out.  He just ignored me.  He dragged me downstairs and pushed me into's the janitor's closet.  He kept his head down as he locked the door and dimmed the lights.  He held my hands and we kind of stayed like that for a while.  It kind of made me uncomfortable though, so I decided to speak up.

"Aren't you supposed to be in cla-"  I got cut off.  I hate when people interrupt me when I'm talking.

"Who is he?"  Yoongi asked.  I didn't know who he was talking about so I just kept silent.  "I said who is he?!"  he yelled.  I was on the verge of crying.  He never raised his voice at me before, except for the time I 'hurt' Areum.

"I don't know who you're talking about."  I replied.  He punched the wall, and it startled me a bit because he's not one to get angry easily.  Then, I saw blood on his hand.

"Yoongi-ah, you're bleeding, idiot."  I said.  I grabbed a first-aid kit from my backpack and treated his hand.  Don't ask me why I have a first-aid kit with me at all times.  I get hurt sometimes and you know.. it draws blood.  After I was done, I looked at him straight in the eyes.  He looked like he was about to cry.  Guess I spoke too soon, because he started to burst into tears.  He cried into my arms like a baby.  I was surprised by his action, mainly because I didn't know what was going on.

"Uh, are you okay?"  I asked him.

"A-Areum.. she,"  he said.  He paused for a moment and continued his sentence.  "I-I saw Areum with a-another guy."  he said whilst crying.  So that guy was her boyfriend..  Damn, I didn't think Yoongi would take it this seriously.  If he known the truth about Areum, he would of broken up with her a long time ago, or maybe not even date her at all.  I didn't say anything and just let him cry in my embrace.  After a few hours, he stopped, and in time too.  The bell just rang.  I offered to walk home with him but he denied.  He said he wanted some alone time, so I just let him be.


The next day, Yoongi didn't come to school.  I wonder why..  He must still be in his house crying about Areum cheating on him.  Damn, I wouldn't come to school either if someone I loved cheated on me.  I decided to go to his house after school.  I already know his address since I've been there before.  I hope me being there would cheer him up at least a bit.  As I was walking down the halls to my next class, Areum appeared out of nowhere *a wild areum appeared.  i chose you pikachu!*

*sorry i'll stop now*

"Where's Yoongi?  He didn't come to school today.  Did you have something to do with his disappearance?  Is my oppa sick?  Why aren't you answering me?  I said where's Yoongi!?!?"  she said while bombarding me with questions.  Aish, she's annoying as fuck.  What did Yoongi see in her?

"I don't know where he is."  I simply answered.  I guess she expected a better answer from me because she started to pout.  ew pls stop ur making me cringe like hell

"Aish!  You're useless!"  she said and walked off.  She's so bitchy sometimes.  *correction, all the time lol i'm sorry i'll stop*

I was staring at the clock anxiously waiting for it to ring.  Only 30 seconds left, then I can go see Yoongi.




Everyone started rushing out of the classroom at light speed when the bell rang, even me.  I ran out of the school building before everyone else.  I ran to Yoongi's house as fast as I could.  *faster than jungkook can run at isac lol ok i'll stop srsly*

When I reached the house, I was panting loudly.  Yoongi probably heard me because he opened the door and stared at me weirdly.  He let me inside his house and I drank a glass of water.  After I could finally breathe, I looked at his face.  His eyes were all puffy and red.  I guess he really was crying.  He noticed I was staring so he looked down and went to his room.  I followed behind but before I could enter the room with him he slammed the door shut in my face.

"Yoongi?"  I called.  "Do you wanna talk?"

I opened the door and found Yoongi laying on his bed hugging a pillow tightly while slightly crying.  I sat on the edge of the bed next to him and patted his back.  I stayed with him until it was night.  I was about to leave when Yoongi grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Please.. stay here for the night."



hi.  i'll try updating everyday for u guys, especially for my friend who's been supporting my story since day one :)  well, thats all i wanna say.  good night <3 and i'm sorry for any mistakes that i made while writing

not edited

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