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I woke up and got ready for school as usual.   I stepped out of my apartment and starting walking to school.  As I was walking to school, I saw Ji Hyun walking to school by herself. 

"Yah!"  I yelled out

She turned around and looked at me.  She made a disgusted and annoyed face and rolled her eyes at me.  She continued walking, completely ignoring me.  How rude of her!

"Hey!  I called you, idiot!  Answer me!"  I said loud enough for her to hear.

"Leave me alone, you dick!"  she said whilst running to school.  Aish, this girl!

"Wait!  Let me walk you to school."  I said, catching up to her and grabbing her arm.

"Let me go!"  she yelled, trying to yank her arm away, but failed because I tightened my grip on her.  

"You know, it's not safe for girls like you to be walking alone.  You should have someone to look out for you."  I said

She stared at me for a second and started laughing.  I looked at her confused.

"What's so funny?"  I asked, clearly confused

She got free of my grip and walked off.  She didn't even bother to answer my question.  Aish, so rude.


I went inside my classroom only to see Ji Hyun sitting on her desk, sleeping soundly.  I have to admit, she looks so cute when she's sleeping.  I tip-toed closer to her, being careful not to wake her up, I didn't want to get my ass beat again.  I moved her hair out of her face and cupped her cheek.  She slowly opened her eyes.

'Shit,'  I said in my head, 'I woke her up.'

Her eyes shot open and pushed me back, making me land on my butt.

"Ow, that hurt."  I said

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"  She asked me.  I could clearly tell she was mad because I interrupted her beauty sleep.

I kept staring at her facial features trying to come up with an excuse.


The bell rang.  I was saved!

"Next time, I'll kick your ass, Min Yoongi."  She said before sitting down.

The teacher came in the loud and noisy classroom.

"Settle down.  Today we are having a new student.  Her name is Lee Areum.  Please introduce yourself."  the teacher said.

Then, a pretty girl with long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes came into the classroom.  She looked like one of those girls who get all the guys, including me.  I couldn't stop staring at her.

"Hello, I am Lee Areum.  Nice to meet you all.  Please take care of me."  she said whilst bowing.

"Areum, you can sit back there next to Yoongi."  the teacher said as she was pointing to me.

Areum walked to the back of the row and sat next to me.  When she sat down, she kind of gave me a weird look.  Maybe my heartbeat was loud enough to hear.  What am I saying?  I like Ji Hyun!  ughhhhhh some love triangle..

"Hi!  I'm Areum.  Nice to meet you!  I assume you're Yoongi?"  She said smiling

"Yeah, I am.  Nice to meet you to, Areum."  I said, greeting her back.

"After class, do you want to have lunch together?"  she asked me and started doing aegyo.

I had plans with the rest of my friends but oml  I can't resist aegyo.  Ahhh, she's so cute!  Cuter than Ji Hyun.

I think...I love you ; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now