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I opened the door slowly to reveal...


It smelled like smoke.  My eyes widened as I looked around the dark and empty room.  Ji Hyun was gone.  I saw burned ropes on the  ground and the curtains sway through the wind.  I looked out the window and slowly realized she could have jumped.  There's no way she could have jumped, that's impossible.  We're too high for her to jump, if she did she would've died.  My blood boiled and I yelled out of frustration while grabbing my hair tightly.

"Bo-gum!"  I called out to my boyfriend.  He hurriedly came to my side and asked what is wrong.

"She's gone!"  I yelled into his ear and slapped him.  He stumbled back and tried to comfort me while rubbing his cheek.  I pushed him away harshly and screamed.

"Don't fucking touch me!"


I know she was just using me to get Yoongi back.  I guess you can say she's been cheating on us both.  But, I stay by her side.. well.. because I love her.  I really don't think she likes either of us, she just wants attention I guess.  The only reason why I'm dating her because my father owes her family a lot of money, but I eventually fell in love.  It was then I realized she was just using me for her own dirty and twisted mind.


I fell through a lot of branches and leaves.  It was okay so far, besides the fact that I was falling at a fast speed while getting hit in the face with branches and getting leaves in your hair and mouth.  I spit the leaves out and saw the ground getting closer.  I closed my eyes tightly getting ready for a big drop. 


I landed on my feet but I kind of broke my ankle.  I rubbed my ankle and groaned while trying to get up using a tree as support.

"Fuck, guess I'm not as badass as I thought."  I sighed.  I looked around and immediately recognized the area.  Don't ask me why I know about this, I just do.  I limped a few miles until a reached an ally way.  The whole way I was thinking about how much of a crazy bitch Areum is.  I can't believe she would actually kidnap me and threaten me because of a guy she doesn't love but use.  I didn't realize I was in front of a house.  Yoongi's house..

I hesitated to knock on the door, but I did anyway.  I waited for Yoongi to open the door, I don't even know why I even bother.  Though, his car was here unless he decided to walk somewhere.  I sighed and limped away until I felt someone pull on my wrist and into their arms.  I felt tears on my cheek as I looked up.

"Ji Hyun,"  Yoongi played with my hair and cried on my shoulder.  I comforted him and wiped his tears.  He pushed strands of hair behind my ear and crashed his lips against mine.  His lips were so soft and plump, I  was in heaven. We had a long, passionate kiss until he pulled away.  He hugged me even tighter and pecked my forehead.

"I love you."


LOL im so cringey heh.. IT'S SPRING BREAK!! I CAN FINALLY UPDATE WITHOUT ANY DISTRACTIONS unless having to study lol
K bye ❤ you

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I think...I love you ; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now