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sorry for not updating for the last few days. I knew I said I would try to update daily but I failed at thatBtw I'm on my phone writing this so prepare for some grammar mistakes.

"Please.. stay with me for the night."  Was I hearing correctly?  I just stared at him not knowing what to say.

"Ah, never mind." 

My mind was still trying to process what he just said.  He let to of my hand and went to sleep but I was still there staring at him like an idiot.  Maybe I'm hearing things.  I shrugged and went back to my house.  As I was walking home, I heard some footsteps behind me.  I fastened my paste, but as soon as I did that I heard loud footsteps coming towards me.  Someone grabbed my arm and yanked me backwards.  Out of instinct, I kicked the person and ran as fast as I could leaving the guy or girl groaning on the ground.  Holy shit, I almost got kidnapped.  I ran to my house until I lost sight of the kidnapper.  I sighed and reached my front doorstep.  I opened the door and I saw two figures in the kitchen.  One was a lady and the other one was a man.  I tip toed to the wall and peeked to see who the intruders were.  They were talking about something, but I can't really hear since they're too far away.  Just as I was about to threaten to get out of my house, my clumsy ass tripped over nothing and landed face first on to the wooden floor.  The two intruders turned around to see me lying on the floor.  I got up and groaned as I rubbed nose.  Then I realized that they weren't intruders, it was..

My parents..

What the hell are they doing here?  I thought they were in America and left me to die.

"What're two doing here?"  I asked them

"Why do you ask?  We can't see our beloved daughter?"

"You left me here alone, and didn even bother to tell me face to face but a note!"

"Oh, sweetie.  That's not true.  We left to America for business purposes."

"Yeah, and you should of been done with those 'business purposes' three years ago."

"Ji Hyun dear, we could explai-"

"Explain what?  You already did by leaving me alone.  Its pretty obvious you guys don't want me, so get the fuck out of MY house."  I said.

They stayed silent for a good two minutes and left.  Hopefully they don't stay in Seoul too long.  I don't want to accidentally run into them while I'm out somewhere.  Since it was already around 1:00, I went to sleep.


not edited 

I think...I love you ; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now