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Everything went back to the way it was, and I was glad. Areum didn't bother us anymore, at least I think so. Though, she would glare at us like before but she didn't do anything besides that. I was walking with Jungkook to gym class when a group of girls walked up to me and him. Yoongi went back to Daegu for some shit I don't really care about.

"Are you Park Ji Hyun?" They asked. Those girls looked familiar, maybe they're Areum's friends. What do they want?

"Yes I am. Do you need something?" I asked. Smh, the fuck do they want? I'm gonna be late for class. "We need to talk to you after school. Areum wants to tell you something." I looked at Jungkook and he pulled me close by my waist.

"She has plans with me and my friends. You can you go now." Jungkook said and pulled me away. We arrived at Jungkook's house and he invited the rest of BTS over.  If you don't know, BTS is a group both Yoongi and Jungkook are in with their other friends named hoseaock and succjin or something.  They're really popular amongst everyone in school.  While waiting for the boys to arrive, Jungkook and I had a little conversation to pass the time. 

"Why didn't you let me go?"  I asked breaking the silence.  "They could've been lying to you.  Besides, even if they weren't I still wouldn't have let you go."  Jungkook said while smiling.  The doorbell rang and we both turned our heads. 

Jungkook opened the door and there revealed five handsome men.  Wow, they're actually glowing wtf.


Night came by so quickly.  We were all playing video games, eating, and watching comedies until our stomachs started to hurt.  BTS left and Jungkook and I were left alone.  I yawned and fell back on the couch.

"Tired?"  Jungkook asked while chuckling.  I smiled and nodded my head.  He led me up to his room and gave me an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants.  I went to go take a shower before I went to bed.  While showering, I heard the sound of glass shattering.  I flinched and stopped the running water.  I grabbed a towel and wrapped my body.  I step outside the bathroom and hurriedly ran down the stairs and saw Jungkook lying on the floor with small glass shards in his arm.  He was bleeding a lot.



hi.. so um.. first of allso fucking sorry to have updated so latelyI have time to update im just lazy and cant think of anythingplus im entering a beauty contest yeyy

not edited

p.ssorry to spoil but something gon happen to jungkook. 💀
kk bye :)

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