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I was with Yoongi until I saw Ji Hyun.  I smiled and waved to her.

"Ji Hyun!" I called out

Yoongi looked at me and stared at me confused.  I guess he was wondering why I invited.  I just ignored it and walked up to her.  Yoongi followed from behind.  Then, he asked me, "Why is she here?"  

"Don't be rude."  I said back.  He just continued to stare at her.  "I'll you two here to talk."  I said and left.  Just then, I saw Bo-gum.  He saw me and waved.

"Who was that guy you were with?"   Bo-gum asked

"Hm?  It was no one, just a friend of mine."  I said

He just nodded his head and I gestured him to follow me.  We went to the store and bought sleeping pills.  Then, we went to a hotel and rented a room.  After that was done, we went back to the party.  I got a glass and poured some orange juice into it, and slipped maybe.. one or two.. or maybe the whole bottle in the glass.  

I went up to Ji Hyun and gave her the orange juice.  "I assume you don't drink so I got you OJ instead."  I said.  She stared at me weirdly.  Then, she took the OJ and drank it until there wasn't even a drop in there.  She stumbled a little, so I take it that the sleeping pills are working.  It's working perfectly, just how I planned.  Bo-gum and I carried her to the hotel we rented and placed her in a sitting position on the bed.  I took off her shirt and pulled her bra straps down.  I laid her down on the bed and covered a blanket over her.

"Are you sure you're doing the right thing?"  Bo-gum asked me.  What a stupid question to ask.  Of course it's right.  She tried taking away Yoongi, and she will pay for that.

"Yup, she deserves it anyway."  I said.  Bo-gum just sighed and took off his shirt.  He laid down next to Ji Hyun.  I got my phone out and took a picture.

"Okay, you can get off the bed now."  I said while looking at the photo I just took.  Bo-gum put his shirt back on and pulled my waist.  

"Alright, good.  Now let's have some fun."  he said while grabbing my butt

I giggled and we got out of the hotel to his house.


I groaned as I woke up because the light in my face.  When I opened my eyes, I realized I wasn't at the party, or at my house.  I looked at the calendar on the wall and it was Monday.  I slept for two days.. Then, I found my shirt on the ground.  I widened my eyes when I realized I was half-naked.

'What the fuck happened?' I thought

The only thing I remember was that I was at Areum's party and then it suddenly turned black.  I decided to shake the thoughts off since I had a headache.  I went into the bathroom and took a hot bath to clear my mind.  

After I was done, I got ready for school.  When I arrived at school, everyone gave me dirty looks.  I overheard some people call me 'slut' or 'whore'.  I heard some girl talk shit about me, so I went up to her and punched her in the face.

"What did you call me?!"  I yelled out

The girl started crying and her friends ran up to help her.  Unfortunately for her, I pushed her little friends away and grabbed her by her ponytail.

"Answer me!"  I yelled again.  She was crying even harder now.  What a waste of time to use my strength on trash.  I pushed her down and pulled her chin up.

"Don't talk shit about me, you know what will happen, do you?"  I asked.  She nodded her head repeatedly and ran off.  After that, I felt something on my wrist.  It was Jungkook holding it, and he looked pretty pissed because of his facial expression.

"Jungkook, what're you doing here?"  I asked.  He kept silent and pulled me through the halls.  He shoved me into an empty classroom and showed me his phone.  It was a picture of me.. and a guy..

"What the hell is this?!"  he yelled

"I don't know!"  I yelled back

He just sighed and walked around back and fourth around the classroom.  "Who is that guy, and why were you sleeping with him NAKED?"  he asked.   "I don't know him, I don't know why I was sleeping with him.  All I remember is that I went to a club and that's-"  I got cut off.

"You were at a club?!"  he yelled.  "Do you know what could've happened?!" 

I honestly felt like I was going to burst into tears.  Jungkook is the only one who appreciates me for me, and he starts yelling at me.  I guess Jungkook sensed I was about to cry because I put my head down.  He hugged me and pet my head.

"Don't do it again.  Who knows what could happen if I'm not there with you."  he said.  "By the way, who is that guy?"  he asked.  

"I told you, I don't know.  But, he kind of looks familiar to me for some reason."  I said.  Jungkook just kept quiet until the bell rang.  "I'll see you after school."  he said and left to his classroom period.

I didn't feel like learning shit I already know, so I went to the roof and stared at the scenery.  Then, I heard the door open.  I turned around to see who it was.. and it was..

Min Yoongi..



hi, i didn't feel like writing since i have a headache right now but i got to keep my readers updated :) i hope you liked this chapter and i'm sorry if there are any mistakes.  thank you for reading i think i love you

not edited

I think...I love you ; min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now