Chapter 25

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"Hey Bey" Beyoncé looks up from her food to see Austin walking into the break room. Austin has been working here for about 2 weeks and has been doing a good job so far.

"Hey Austin. How are you?"

"I've been good. What's your plans for this weekend?" He questioned.

"Shawn is suppose to be taking me out tomorrow, don't ask me where because it's suppose to be a surprise" Bey playfully rolls her eyes.

"That's cool. Shawn is very lucky to have such a beautiful woman on his arms" Austin says while staring at her lustfully.

Bey clears her throat. "Thank you"

Before they could continue the conversation they were interrupted by Gwyn entering the room followed by Chelle.

"Bey what are you doing?" She exclaims.

"Huh?" Bey asks confusedly.

"Girl Shawn booked you an appointment at the spa, if you don't leave now your going to miss it." Chelle says while pulling her out of the chair and handing her her bag.

"Wait, who is going to take Nahla home?" Bey asks while they push her out the door.

"Don't worry about that, it's covered"

On the way out the door Bey sees Tyra and Gabby looking at her with these knowing smiles on their face. Okay what's going on? She questions in her head.

Once Bey is settled in her car she immediately call's Shawn.

"Hey babe" he answers on the third ring.

"Care to explain why I rushed out of my job by my crazy best friends to attend a spa appointment booked by you?"

"You've been under a lot of stress lately and I just wanted you to go somewhere where you can get pampered and relax. This is also to help you get ready for our date tonight" he explains.

Bey's heart melts at the thoughtful gesture.

"Well thank you baby. I really appreciate it"

"You welcome. Now go and enjoy yourself and call me when your on the way home"

"Okay babe. Love you bye"

"Love you too" he says while hanging up.

As Bey is driving she thinks about how Shawn is going all out for this date, something he has not did in a while. She wonders what is so special about tonight, but shrugs the thought off.


After getting off the phone with Bey Shawn head's up to the rooftop to make sure everything is in place. He exits the elevator as he reaches the rooftop.

"Is everything set?"

Shawn's mom and sister turn around from setting up.

"Almost just adding last minute touches." His mom says.

"I can't believe you are about to propose" Michaela says excitedly while pinching Shawn's cheeks.

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