Chapter 3

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Shawn POV

As I drive to work I can't help but think about Ms. Knowles, Ty Ty wasn't lying when he said the teachers were fine. She had the most beautiful smile, nice hair, nice figure, and a fat ass. Wait, why am I thinking about this women like this, I am not ready for a relationship. I head up to my office and get my messages from my receptionist while heading into my office. As soon as I sit my briefcase down there is a knock at my door and it opens. I look up to see my boss.

"Good morning Shawn" He spoke.

"Good morning sir, what can I do for you?" I question.

He lays a file down on my desk "I have a new case for you, 14 year old boy, just got out for serving his third trip to juvenile detention, he's been in and out of the foster care system since he was a baby and very hard headed. Just couldn't help but think this is case is just for you." He says with a smile.

"Sure I'll take it" I say while looking over the file. "Is he coming in today?" I question.

"I told him he needs to be here at 10:30 sharp" He replies.

"Alright, thank you" I respond.

"Welcome" He says while walking out of my office.

I look over all of my other cases while I wait for this 10:30 appointment. One thing I love about my job is that I can sort of relate to them. I grew up in Marcy projects, which isn't the safest of all places, and got involved in the wrong crowds and ended up in jail for about a year. I saw the stress that I put my family through and decided it was time for a change. With the help of Vanessa I did just that, and decided to help kids that were in my same predicament. I looked at my clock and it was 10:25, I turn back around and see my door is being opened and in walks my assistant with the boy.

"Mr. Carter, this is Jacob Jones your 10:30" Allison says with a smile.

"Thanks Allison" I say while she walks out. I look at Jacob "Take a seat" I tell him.

He takes a seat and we get right into business. During our meeting I assign him to seeing a counselor two times a week because this child has obvious anger problems, he will also be drug tested every time he comes see me which will be every week. My boss wasn't kidding when he said the Jacob was hard headed, there were plenty of times when he caught an attitude or said some smart shit, made me want to take my belt off and whoop him like he was my own child. But you know what they say, a hard head make for a soft ass.

After my meeting with Jacob my day went by pretty quick and before I knew it, it was time to pick up Nahla. I gathered up all of my things, cut my light off and headed to my car. About 10 minutes later I was at the daycare and headed in.

"Heyyy Mr. Carter" the receptionist said flirtatious when I entered.

I laughed to myself while saying hey. I headed to the back to Ms. Knowles classroom, when I entered the classroom Nahla was the last child there and her and Ms. Knowles were painting something. I guess they heard me enter because they both turned around and Nahla ran out of her seat to greet me.

"Daddy" She squealed while jumping into my arms.

"Hi princess" I say while hugging her.

"Daddy I had soooo much fun today, I hab to tell you all about it" Nahla tells me excitedly.

"You didn't miss me?" I question with a fake pout knowing that would get to her.

"Daddy don't be sad, I missed you a lot" Nahla said trying to make me feel better.

"Well that's great to hear" I say and I hear Ms. Knowles chuckle, I give her a smile. "Was she any trouble today?" I ask.

"Oh no she was a complete angel" She says while rubbing her back.

"Okay, Nahla grab your stuff so we can go" I state while putting her down. She runs to her cubby to grab her things. I grab her hand and try to walk out but Nahla stops us.

"Daddy I have to say bye to Ms. Knowles" She tells me while running to give her a hug, "See you tomorrow" Nahla tells her.

"Bye honey" Ms. Knowles says then look to me, "See you guys tomorrow" She says with a smile.

She is always smiling which I don't mind because she looks like an angel. I wave bye to her while leaving. I buckle Nahla up in her car seat and head home. On the ride home Nahla talked to me death about the new friends she meet, all the fun she had, and how nice Ms. Knowles is. I'm glad that she likes this daycare. When we get home Nahla heads straight to her room, and I go in the kitchen to start dinner. As I look through the kitchen for something to eat, I decide on spaghetti. While pulling out the ingredients Nahla comes into the kitchen and makes her way onto the stool by the bar.

"Daddy" Nahla says quietly.

"Yes" I reply.

"Did my mommy love me?" She asks. I drop everything and look up to Nahla who has her head down. I wipe my hands off and go sit beside Nahla and pull her into my lap.

"Why do you ask that?" I question her, she just shrugs her shoulders. I sigh "Nahla, your mommy loved you very much she loved you more than anything in this world, but God was just ready for her to come home." I tell her in the best way I can.

"I know, I just miss her" She says while looking up at me with tears coming down her face. It broke my heart seeing her like this.

"I know baby" I tell her while giving her a hug almost coming to tears myself. After that moment the rest of the night was pretty much sad. After eating dinner, Nahla didn't want to watch any TV, so we went upstairs so she could take a bath, and got ready for bed. I tucked Nahla and told her goodnight and went into my room.

I sat on my bed and rubbed my hands down my face. Seeing my daughter cry and want her mother like that broke my heart into pieces. See Vanessa died two days after Nahla's third birthday, and this is probably the first time, other than her funeral, that Nahla has gotten that emotional. I just wish there was something that I could do to help her feel better.

After thinking about the situation long enough, I head to the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I slip on some boxers and get into bed. I grab Vanessa's picture of the dresser and just admire her beauty, I kiss the picture and put it back on the dresser and head on to bed.

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