Chapter 6

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As I pull into my parking spot I shoot Shawn a quick text letting him know that I made it home safely. When I walk in the door to my apartment, Michelle and Gwyn are waiting in the living room so I can tell them what happened. I told Gwyn before I left that I would be stopping by Shawn's place so knowing her and her loud mouth, Chelle knows too.

"So how did it go?" Gwyn questions while I take my jacket off. I walk further into the living room and take a seat on the couch as I explain to them what happened.

"Aww that must be hard to deal with a loss like that at such a young age" Michelle said.

"I know and Shawn looked so sad when he told me how her mother died, it must be very hard for him too" I tell them.

"Well I think the little relationship that you and Nahla have is adorable, and you should continue to be that person that she can talk to about anything." Gwyn says.

"Yeah I can't help but see me in her eyes for some reason. But anyway what's for dinner?" I question changing the subject.

"I ordered pizza like 30 minutes ago so it should be here soon" Michelle answers.

"Alright, I'm going to go take a quick shower." I tell them while heading upstairs to my room.

After I got out the shower, I put some lotion on and threw on some leggings and a long t-shirt. I sit on my bed and go through my phone just looking at Instagram and some other things when I remembered that I need to call my dad back. I dial his number and listened to the phone ring.

"Hello" A woman answers the phone.

"Hi, mommy" I tell my stepmother Christina.

My dad meet Christina two years after my mom died. At first I was iffy about him dating again and having another woman in my life playing the mom role, but after getting to know her more she became like a second mother to me and I love her to death.

"Mhmm this sounds like my daughter, but hey I wouldn't know seeing as how she can't call anybody anymore." She replies being as dramatic as my father.

"Mom" I say with a slight giggle.

"I'm just playing honey" She tells me. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, working hard but I'm making it"

"Well that's good. Oh I forgot to tell you, me and your father will be up there in a month so prepare for our arrival" She tells me.

"Really?" I ask excitedly.

"Yup" She says matching my excitement.

"Yes, I can't wait it's been forever since I have seen you guys."

"I know, well your father is making me hand over the phone to him, but I love you and can't wait to see you." She says.

"Okay love you too" I tell her and then my dad gets on the phone. We talk for a good 45 minutes before I hang up to go get something to eat. After I finish eating I head upstairs and get right in my bed and knockout.

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