Chapter 2

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"Bey wake your ass up before we are late"

I groan at my loud roommate and best friend banging on my door before I slowly get up out of bed. My name is Beyoncé Knowles, and I'm from Houston, Texas. Me and my childhood best friend, Michelle, came to New York to attend college and that's where we met Gwyneth, and since then the three of us have been inseparable. Me and Gwyneth own Angel Academy in downtown Brooklyn, while Michelle is a teacher at an elementary school a few blocks away.

Before I head to the bathroom to wash up I look at my phone and see I have a missed call from my father so I call him back.

"Hey daddy" I say with a smile, I am the biggest daddy's girl ever.

"Hey baby girl, how are you this morning?" He replies

"I'm doing fine daddy how about you?" I answered.

"I would be doing perfectly great if my daughter called me every once in a while, instead I get treated like some side dude" He dramatically replies.

I slightly giggle "I'm sorry daddy I've just been really busy lately, but I promise I'll call you later on because I have to get ready for work"

"Throwing me off to the side once again" He says.

"Daddy" I slightly yell while laughing.

"I'm just playing sweetie, have a great day at work and I love you" He replies.

"Okay love you too bye" I say while hanging up the phone.

I love my father so much I don't know where I would be without him. My mom died when I was nine from breast cancer so for a while it was just me and him until he married my stepmom.

I get up out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I get out the shower I wash my face and brush my teeth and then head to my closet to get some clothes. I settle on a pencil skirt and a nice shirt. I unwrap my hair and fluff it up a little bit, apply some light makeup, put my shoes on, and grab my purse and phone. As I head downstairs I smell bacon and I shake my head knowing its Michelle, this child would eat bacon for the rest of her life if she could.

"Good morning Chelle" I say while grabbing a piece of bacon off the plate.

"Morning Bey" She replies

"Where's Gwyn" I ask while pouring a cup of coffee.

"She's still getting ready, which I find funny seeing how she was rushing you" Michelle says with a slight laugh. "Ow" she responds from being smacked in the back of the head.

"Don't talk shit Michelle" Gwyneth says while laughing.

Michelle gives Gwyneth the meanest mug ever and I just can't help but laugh, I love my friends. We all decided that we should get an apartment after finishing school and with the help of our parents got a nice little condo in Brooklyn.

"Alright, come on Gwyn before we are late" I state while grabbing my things. Gwyneth grabs her stuff while Michelle also grabs her things. We all head out the door to the parking garage, me and Gwyn get in my car while Michelle gets into hers. On our way to the daycare Gwyneth's favorite song comes on the radio and she decides that it would be nice to sing at the top of her lungs.

"Go anywhere baby I don't mind, grown man in my suit and tie, hey there's no we without you and I, ah yea ah yea ah ahhhh yea" She sings loudly while slightly twerking in her seat. I just laugh, for a white girl Gwyn be fucking it up.

We arrive at the daycare and get out the car. When we enter I say hello to our receptionist Stephanie.

"Good morning Stephanie" I greet her with a smile.

"Morning Ms. Knowles. You have a new girl enrolling in your class today her name is Nahla Carter, her and her father should be here shortly to meet you, oh and her dad is fineee" Stephanie says while fanning herself.

I laugh "Thanks for the heads up" I reply while walking to my classroom.

I turn the lights on and clean up the place a little bit before the children start arriving. Around 7:30 my students start coming into the classroom. After helping one of my kids put their stuff in their cubby I hear my name being called. I turn around to see a handsome man and his daughter, putting two and two together I assume this is Nahla and her father, Stephanie wasn't lying when she said this man was fine.

"Hi, I'm Ms. Knowles and who is this little beauty?" I say with a smile while adjusting my height to talk to Nahla.

"I'm Nahla" She replies shyly.

"Well Nahla how about you go pick a cubby out while I talk to your dad" I tell her.

"Okay" She replies then turn to her father "Bye daddy, I love you"

"Love you too princess" He says while giving her a kiss on the cheek. How sweet.

Nahla walks off to go find a cubby and I turn to her father.

"I got your daughter's name but I didn't quite catch yours" I say while semi flirting.

He chuckles "Shawn, Shawn Carter" he replies while holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Carter" I say while shaking his hand, I don't know what it was but I got this tingly feeling while I shook his hand, and I guess he felt it too because we looked at each other and held a long gaze. He eventually let go though.

"Well I have to get going, it was nice meeting you" He says.

"Nice meeting you too" I say while he begins to walk out the door. Well that was an interesting, I turn around and begin the day with the kids.

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