Chapter 13

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I groan and roll over to my ringing phone, adjusting my eyes to the light I see that I have a text from Marcus telling me to call him. I ignore it. I also see that I have a missed call from my mom and Shawn, I'll call them back later. I stretch and throw the covers off my body and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

While in the shower I couldn't help but think of Shawn, and how I'm so glad that we are back on good terms. I really missed him these past few months and it's good to have him in my life again. Hopefully this go around we could move on to something more, but I'm not going to pressure Shawn this time, I'll just wait until he makes move.

I step out the shower and head to my room, I dry off and put on some panties and a bra. I won't be going anywhere today so I'll just throw on some sweatpants and a cami. I grab my phone and sit down on my bed to call my mom back.


"Hi mom, I was just returning your call"

"I was calling earlier to let you know that me and your father will for sure be up there later on this month. Seeing as how our last trip was canceled because your father messed up the tickets."

I laugh at the annoyance in my mom's voice. My parents were supposed to come up last month but my father booked the tickets wrong. My mom cussed him the hell out and I was weak.

"Okay, I will be waiting"

"Alright. So did you and Shawn finally talk about everything?"

My mom has known about me and Shawn's situation ever since I realized I had feelings for him. The night I told him how I felt and he didn't agree I called her to vent about the situation. Let me just say I was completely shocked on her take, she explained to me how hard it is to break through somebody that has been in that situation. How it took her forever to break through my father and that I shouldn't have rushed the situation like I did, and gave it some more time.

"We did" I answer with a smile on my face.

"Ohh I hear that smile in your voice, so I'm assuming all went well?"

"Yeah we both apologized and were talking again."

"Well that's great honey. Now remember what I said a while ago"

"Yes ma'am"

"Let me get off this phone and do something with my life."

"Alright mom, I'll talk to you later. Love you"

"Love you too, bye"

"Bye" I reply while hanging up.

After I hang up with my mom, I head to the living room where Michelle and Gwyn are.

"Hey y'all"

"Hey Bey" They both respond at the same time.

"So how did it go with Nahla?" Gwyn asked.

"It went good, made me realized how much I missed that little girl"

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