Chapter 5

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Shawn POV

I am sitting at my desk at work going over my latest case, I swear these kids get even worse as the years go by. My phone starts ringing interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Yes Allison" I answer.

"Mr. Carter you have a call from Angel Academy on line 1" Allison tells me. With the thought of something bad happening to Nahla I immediately click over.

"Yes, this is Mr. Carter" I tell whoever is on the other side of the line.

"Hi Mr. Carter, this is Stephanie the receptionist, we need for you to come pick Nahla up because she has been in a little altercation with another student" She informs me.

With the most confused look on my face I let her know that I am on the way. I quickly grab my things and head out of my office telling Allison to hold all my calls until I get back. I reach the daycare within 5 minutes and go inside to see what is going on. Upon entering, Stephanie directs me to Ms. Knowles class. I walk in the classroom to see Nahla and another little girl in separate corners, and Ms. Knowles sitting at her desk.

I knock on the door to make my presence known, and Ms. Knowles lifts her head up and smiles at me.

"Hi, Mr. Carter" She greets with a smile.

"Hello Ms. Knowles" I greet her back. "Could you explain to me what happened?" I ask wanting to get right to the problem.

"Well we were doing group work at our tables and I was helping another kid when I heard Nahla and Laurel arguing about something and as I was making my way over to them I see Nahla hit Laurel in her face and they started a little fight that I broke up immediately. I tried to get Nahla to explain why she got so mad but she won't say anything" Ms. Knowles explained with a worried look on her face while glancing at Nahla.

I walk over to Nahla and kneel down in front of her to see that she has tears in her eyes.

"Sweetie you want to tell me what happened?" I ask her. She shakes her head no while a tear falls down her face, and it's then that I know whatever this little girl said to Nahla really hurt her feelings.

"I'm going to take her home and see if she will tell me anything there, but thank you for calling me" I inform Ms. Knowles.

"No problem, it's my job. Hey this might sound a little weird but could you give me a call when you know what's wrong with her?" She asks me.

I look at her a little strangely, sensing my look she goes on to explain. "It's just in the short time I've known Nahla she's always been a sweet girl, and it took me by surprise seeing her act like this today." She tells me.

Understanding where she is coming from I agree to give her a call, and she hands me a piece of paper with her number on it. I grab Nahla and her things, say goodbye to Ms. Knowles and head to the car. On the way home I inform Allison that I will be taking the rest of the day off and that she can do so as well. When we get home I carry Nahla upstairs to her room and try to get her to talk about today.

"Honey, can you tell daddy what happened between you and Laurel?" I ask her sweetly.

"She said something really mean that made me mad" Nahla tells me.

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