Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slowly roll over and turn off my alarm clock. I raise up in bed to get a good stretch and then look over to Nahla who is curled up into a ball, and slightly smile.

"Time to wake up" I say to my daughter as I softly rub her back. Waking her up any other way will result in her having the worst attitude just like her mother.

"Good morning daddy" she says as she slowly opens her eyes.

"Morning princess" I say as I get out of bed to pick her up. "Let's go get you a bath so we can head on to grandmas"

I walk with Nahla to the bathroom in her room and begin running some warm water for her bath, as she picks out her outfit for today. For my daughter to only be three she is the biggest diva when it comes to her clothes and will not allow anybody else to pick her outfits. After picking out her outfit, Nahla takes off her clothes and gets in the tub.

"Just call for daddy when you are ready to get out okay?" I tell her as I make sure she has everything she needs.

"Okay" Nahla nods with a smile.

I head to my room to get my clothes ready for work. I am a probation officer who works mostly with young kids. As I lay my suit on the bed, I head into my bathroom for a quick shower. When I get out the shower I brush my teeth and go put on my clothes. As soon as I finish putting my tie on I hear my loud daughter.

"Daddy, I'm done" She screams. I walk back into her bathroom and help her out of the tub. Nahla wraps herself in her Dora towel and heads into her room. I help Nahla into her outfit, and while she is putting on her shoes, I get her bag ready.

I hand Nahla her bag as she walks down the steps, and I go into my room to grab my things. I go downstairs and head out the door as we make our way to the car. The ride to my mother's house is fairly short. I hop out the car, open the door for Nahla, and head up to my mom's house.

"Hey mom" I say as I enter.

"GG" Nahla screams while running to my mother. My mom makes all her grandkids call her GG because in her mind she is too old to be a grandma.

"Hi munchkin" My mom says while picking her up "Why don't you go put your things upstairs while I talk to your father." Nahla heads upstairs with her bag while my mom turns to me.

"How you been baby" She asks while pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm doing fine mom, the best that I can" I say with a faint smile.

"That's good. I wanted to let you know that I won't be able to keep Nahla as much because they are giving more hours at the hospital". My mom is a night shift nurse at Lenox Hospital, and because she is free during the day she watches Nahla for me.

"Okay that's fine, I think it's about time for Nahla to start going to daycare anyway. I'm going to get on out of here before I'm late. Tell Nahla that I love her and to behave" I say as my mom laughs because she knows how Nahla can get.

"Will do, have a good day" She says as I head to my car.

I get back into my car and head to work. When I arrive to work I get on the elevator and head on up to my floor. I get off the elevator and greet my assistant as I head into my office. I put my things down and sit in my chair getting right to work. Fifteen minutes later there is a knock on my door.

"Come in" In walks my best friend/ coworker, Tyran, but everybody calls him Ty Ty.

"Hey wassup man" He says while sitting down.

"Not much, what about you?"

"Nothing, you know I get bored as hell if I stay in that office too long" He says while I just shake my head and laugh because he has the attention span of a one year old. "How's lil mama doing?"

"Uh she's doing alright, she really misses her mom but other than that she's good" I respond. "Hey speaking of Nahla do you know any good daycares around here?" I ask as I remember what my mother told me.

"Oh yeah, it's this place about three blocks from here that my sister used to take her daughter too. They have flexible hours, great prices, and some fine ass teachers" Ty says while laughing.

"You a trip man, I think I'm going to check it out during my lunch break. My mom can't watch Nahla as much so she needs a place to go." I explain.

"Well" Ty starts while getting up "Let me know when you go so I can try to get one of those teachers' numbers." He says with this big ass grin.

I laugh while throwing a piece of paper at him "Your wife will kill me and you"

He just laughs while walking out of the office. I finish up my work before taking my lunch. I head into the parking garage and get into my car to go find this daycare. About five minutes later I pull up to the daycare with Angel Academy on the window. I park my car and head into the place. When I walk in I head to the desk where a lady is on the computer.

"Hi, welcome to Angel Academy. How may I help you today?" The lady says with the brightest smile.

"Hi, I was looking to enroll my daughter" I respond.

The lady gets out of chair and grabs a clipboard with papers on it. "Fill this out real quick, and when your done bring it back up here."

I grab the clipboard and take a seat while filling out the application. When I finished I headed back up to the receptionist desk and handed the lady the papers. She went over the papers while typing the information into the computer.

"Okay Mr. Carter, your daughter Nahla is officially enrolled into Angel Academy. You will be asked to pay $350 every month for our services, and if Nahla ever needs to stay later than the time you put to pick her up, just call and let us know and we can work something out. She was placed in a class based on her age, her teacher will be Ms. Knowles. Today we will need a down payment of $100 and she will be able to start tomorrow if that is fine with you?" She looked up at me.

"That will be fine" I responded while pulling out my debit card.

The receptionist took the card and ran it through the machine, when it was done she handed me my card back along with a brochure about the place. "Okay well you and Nahla will get the opportunity to tour the facility tomorrow and officially meet Mrs. Knowles."

"Okay, thank you so much and you have a nice day" I responded while heading to the door.

"No problem Mr. Carter, have a nice day" She said while I walked out.

When I get into my car, I read over the brochure and from what I read this place seems great for Nahla to be in, I just hope she likes it. I start my car as I head on back to work to finish for the day.

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