Chapter 14 Part 1

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Shawn POV

When me and Bey made up at that moment I knew I wanted to be more than friends with her this time, so I wasted no time in asking her out. When I was on the phone with her I was nervous as hell, what if she had said no because she didn't trust my feelings for her because of what happened last time?

When she told me yes I was so excited. I really like Bey and I could see us being together for a long time, so I need this date to go perfect.

I turn the shower off, put my towel around me and head to the sink to wash my face, I brush my teeth and rinse with some mouthwash. Can't be walking around with hot ass breath. I walk out my bedroom and head to my closet.

It is the middle of September so I settled on a button up, jeans, and my timbs. Can't go anywhere without my timbs. As I walk out of the closet I see Nahla on my bed.

"Hi daddy" She says.

"Hi baby, what you doing in here?"

"I want to help you get ready for your date with BB?"

I chuckle "Okay honey, go grab daddy's jewelry in the bathroom for me?"

Nahla hops off the bed and heads to the bathroom and comes back with the jewelry I asked for.

"So daddy are you nervous?" She says as she hands me my things.

As I put on my watch I think about Nahla's question. I'm nervous as hell to be honest, I just hopes this night goes smoothly with no problems.

"I actually kind of am"

"Don't worry, BB really likes you" Nahla says with a big grin.

"How do you know?"

"Because daddy we're girls we talk, duh"

I laugh. "Okay Nahla, go put your shoes on so we can head out"

Nahla heads to her room to grab her shoes and I make sure that I have everything before we leave. As we are heading out the door, I text Bey to let her know that I am on the way.


I look down at my phone vibrating to see I have a text from Shawn, letting me know he is on the way.

"Michelle hurry up, Shawn is on his way" I tell her as she is curling my hair.

"Heifer don't rush me, I'm almost done" She responds as she finishes the last curl. "Okay I'm done"

Right as she says this the doorbell rings, and I automatically get nervous knowing that it is Shawn. Michelle heads out my room to go answer the door while I add the finishing touches to my outfit. I put my heels on and look in the mirror one last time, then head out to the living room where everyone is.

I walk to the living room fixing my dress and once I come into full view all the talking I heard stops. I lift my head up to see everybody staring at me, and Shawn looking at me with so much awe. I start blushing immediately.

"What's everybody looking at?" I ask.

"You BB, you look beautiful" Nahla says while giving me a hug.

"You BB, you look beautiful" Nahla says while giving me a hug

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"Thank you baby"

I look towards Shawn waiting for his reaciton.

"Bey you look.... damn" I giggle.

"Daddy, bad word" Nahla tells Shawn while hitting him.

"Sorry baby girl. Bey you look absolutely gorgeous" I started blushing hard as hell.

"Thank you, you ready?"

"Yeah let's get going. Nahla I want you to be on your best behavior for Michelle and Gwyn okay?" Shawn says.

"Otay daddy, love you" Nahla says while giving Shawn a hug.

"Love you too"

Shawn holds out his hand for me to grab, and we head to the door.

"Bye y'all" I say to everybody as we walk out the door.

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