Chapter 4

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Shawn POV

The next morning was pretty somber after what happened last night. After dropping Nahla off at daycare I headed to my office. I slightly smiled at my assistant and headed into my office. When I got in I dropped my briefcase, sat in my seat, and laid my head on my desk. After about 15 minutes Ty Ty walks in.

"Hey man" He says. I just nod my head at him. "Okay what the hell is wrong with you?" He questions. I sigh and tell him about what happened last night with Nahla.

"Damn man that breaks my heart for little bit to be hurting like that" He says somberly.

"Who you telling" I reply.

"But you know what I also think?" Ty responds. I just wait for him to get his Dr. Phil on. "I think that it's time for you start dating again Shawn, and before you shut the idea down just hear me out. It's been almost two years since Vanessa died, you gotta move on man, and you moving on to somebody else does not mean that you love her any less, knowing the type of person Vanessa was she would want you to be happy again. Then think about Nahla, having a mother figure in her life would probably help her cope with this situation a lot more. I'm not saying for you and Nahla to completely forget about Vanessa but it is time for the both of you to be happy again, and I'm pretty sure Vanessa would want the same thing. Just think about what I just said." He tells me while heading out of the office.

I sit there and take in everything Ty told me and he was right. Vanessa would want me to be happy again and Nahla needs a mother figure in her life. I guess I could become more open to dating other women. But I will take this slow I just don't want to throw all type of women into Nahla's life.

(One week later)

It's Saturday afternoon and Nahla has me at this crowded ass mall because she wanted some more toys, I was going to say no but once she hit me with the puppy dog face it was over. We just came out of Build-a-Bear and we are headed to the Disney store.

"Nahla do you want to hold your bag?" I ask her but she completely ignores me while running off. I look confused while running after her.

"Ms. Knowles" she screams while running into her legs.

"Hi sweetie" She says while hugging her. She looks up to me "Hey Shawn" she acknowledges me with a smile.

"Hey..... you know I never caught your first name" I say with a smirk.

"It's Beyoncé" She tells me.

"Beyoncé" I say trying to get a feel of her name "Thats a beautiful name" I say while looking in her eyes while she is blushing hard.

I hear someone clear their throat and I tear my eyes away from Beyoncé's to see two women beside her, they must be her friends.

"Oh how rude of me, Shawn these are my best friends Michelle and Gwyneth, guys this is Shawn Nahla's father" She introduces us.

"Nice to meet you" I tell them while shaking their hands.

"Nice to meet you too" They both reply.

"Okay well were going to get going, Nahla say bye to Ms. Knowles so you can finish damaging my pockets" I say while chuckling.

"Bye Ms. Knowles" she says while giving her another hug.

"Bye Nahla" Beyoncé responds.

"It was nice seeing you again Beyoncé" I say with a strong emphasis on her name.

She giggles "You too Shawn" she replies.

Me and Nahla both wave bye to her and then head back to shopping.


I continue watching Shawn while he walks away with Nahla.

"Stare any harder Bey and your eyes are going to fall off" I hear Michelle say.

I tear my gaze away from him and face my friends who have this knowing ass grin on their face.

"Please don't start" I plead with them.

"BB has a crush, BB has a crush" They both childishly sing. I just roll my eyes at them not saying anything, because they are right.

"I'm not mad at you though girl cause he is fine" Gwyneth says while fanning herself.

"Do I need to call Chris" I defensively ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Look at you being protective over your man already" Gwyneth laughs at me.

I just roll my eyes and curse myself for acting like that over somebody who probably isn't even thinking about me in that way.

"He seems like a really good guy though Bey way better than Marcus ass" Michelle tells me as we begin to walk out the mall.

"Let's please not talk about him" I say with pure annoyance, while getting into the car. They both agree on that, and we head on home after stopping and getting something to eat.

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