Chapter 18

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Right now I am in Shawn's kitchen making breakfast. Shawn was called into an important business meeting last night and since it's Saturday he has nobody to watch Nahla so I offered. I came over early this morning and offered to make them breakfast.

As I'm whisking the eggs up in the pan I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "Good morning baby" He says while kissing my cheek.

"Good morning" Shawn let's go of my waist and heads to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water.

"I'm sorry you had to watch Nahla on such a short notice"

"Babe I told you it was fine, I enjoy spending time with her"

"You know I really love the relationship you two have, and to see that you really care about her"

"She too sweet to not care about and then the fact that she is apart of you is a plus" I say while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Is that so?" Shawn replies while holding my waist.

I nod my head while leaning in for a kiss. We started making out and as the kiss got more intense Shawn picked me up and placed me on the counter.

"Good morning" We separate quick as hell and turn our heads to see Nahla at the entrance of the kitchen rubbing her eyes still trying to wake up.

I hop off the counter and head over to Nahla while Shawn handles his problem, if you know what I mean.

"Good morning baby" I say while picking her up and placing a kiss on her cheek. "You hungry?" I question.

"Yes" Nahla nods her head.

"Well I made your favorite"

"Chocolate chip pantakes?"

"Yes ma'am" I take Nahla over to her chair and place her in it.

"Good morning daddy"

"Morning" Shawn says while planting a kiss on her cheek while taking a seat. "Did you sleep well?"

Nahla nods her head. I take Shawn and Nahla's plate to the table and sit down to eat with them.

"Nahla daddy has to go to work today. Is it okay if you hang out with BB?"

"Yes BB can we go to the mall, get our nails done, go get ice cream, and-"

I cut her off. "Yes we can do all of that" I say while laughing.

We finish up eating breakfast and Shawn heads to work. Now it's just me and Nahla.

"Okay pretty girl let's go run you a bath so we can get started on our day"

We head upstairs to Nahla's room and go into her bathroom. While the tub is filling up I help Nahla brush her teeth and wash her face. Once the tub is full I put Nahla in and let her bathe herself. While she is doing that I head to her closet to look for an outfit. I decided on a cute little dress.

Once she is done with her bath, I dry her off and put the dress on her. Not wanting to do much with her hair I just put two braids in her head going to the back with two bows at the end.

"Aww aren't you just pretty" I say while taking a picture of her.

"Thank you BB" Nahla says while blushing

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"Thank you BB" Nahla says while blushing.

Me and Nahla head out to my car so we can get the day started. I buckle her in her car seat and then get in the car.

"So where do you want to go first?" I ask.

"Mhmm" she says while placing her finger on her chin like she is thinking so hard. "Nails"


As we are heading to the nail salon my phone rings throughout the car because of the connection to the Bluetooth. Looking at the screen I see it is my mom so I answer it.

"Hi mommy"

"Hi BB mommy" Nahla says. I chuckle.

"Hi Nahla how are you?" My mom questioned. Nahla has spoken to my mom about 2 or 3 times on the phone.

"I'm good, me and BB are going to get our nails done"

"Aww well I hope you have fun. Bey call me back later I don't want to interrupt y'all girl time"

"You sure?"

"Yeah I was just calling to run my mouth" I laugh. "Call me later okay, love you"

"Love you too. Bye" I say while hanging up.

Arriving at the nail salon me and Nahla head inside to check in. Just getting the regular mani/pedi we head to the chairs. Nahla decided to get pink and baby blue because she wanted her nails to look like cotton candy. I just settled on a light purple.

"BB it's so pretty" Nahla says while showing me her nails.

"It sure is" I head to the front to pay the people.

Once we leave the nail salon we walk down the street to the frozen yogurt place. Once we get our yogurt we take a seat by the window. I look over at Nahla making a mess and can't help but laugh.

"Is it good?"

"Mmm, what yours taste like?" She reaches over and grabs my arm with her sticky fingers and feeds herself some of my yogurt. "Dats good too BB" I just laugh.

"Excuse me" I look up to see an older white woman. "I just wanted to let you know that your daughter is adorable"

"Thank you so much" I say while grinning.

After the frozen yogurt we went to the mall, the kids museum, and the park. Needless to say she was knocked out by the time we got back to Shawn's place. I changed her out of her dress into her night clothes and put her in the bed.

Watching Nahla sleep I start thinking about the comment that lady made earlier. What she said threw me off guard but also made sense because I love that little girl like she is my own. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I headed to the living room to wait for Shawn to come home.

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