Chapter 24

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Shawn POV

"Omg Shawn this is the ring! It looks so cute on me" Gwyn exclaims.

"Well were not looking for a ring for you" Michelle states while snatching the ring from Gwyn.

I laugh. These two have been going at it all day. We are currently at the store, with Nahla, trying to find Bey a ring.

"Hi sir, is there something I could help you with?" The jewelry saleswoman asked.

"I'm doing good. I'm looking for a engagement ring for my girlfriend."

"Awww I love proposals. Let me show you some of our best engagement rings." She walked away to go get the rings.

"So Shawn what's your budget?" Chelle asked.

"There is no budget when it comes to my baby"

Gwyn and Chelle look at each other. "He got moneyyyy" they simultaneously say. I laugh.

"Okay sir here are some of our best rings."

I look down to the tray of rings she bought out and one of them immediately caught my eye.

"Oh my god, Shawn this is the one" Chelle stated while pointing to the same ring I was looking at.

"Could I see that one?" I asked the sales lady.

"Sure" she took the ring out of the display and handed it to me.

"Ohhh daddy it's so pretty, mommy would love it" Nahla said.

"I agree, you should get this one" Gwyn stated.

"I'll take this one" I informed the lady after looking at the ring a little longer.

"Great I'll go wrap this up for you and then you could pay"

"I'm so excited for y'all" Gwyn says while holding Nahla.

"I just hope she says yes"

"Boy bye, Bey is crazy in love with you. I'd be surprised if she even thought about saying no" Chelle reassured me.

The sales lady came back with the ring in the bag and I handed her my credit card as she rung it up.

"Alright the receipt and everything is in the bag." she handed me my card back, along with the bag. "Good luck" she says as we are about to walk out.

"Thank you"

We all head out and get into the car. Michelle and Gwyneth just rode with me to save all the hassle.

"So what are we going to do now?" Chelle asked.

"I hungry" Nahla said.

"Y'all wanna go to Red Robin's?" I ask.

"Yes! I live for their unlimited fries"

I pull off and head to Red Robin's. We head inside and the hostess directs us to a table.

"Mommy" Nahla screams out.

Me, Chelle, and Gwyn turn around to see Bey sitting at the table with some dude. The hell. We head over to their table.

"Hi baby" she said while hugging Nahla. "Hey babe, what are y'all doing here?" she said while giving me a kiss.

"We forced Shawn into treating us to lunch" Gwyn said.

"Y'all always bullying my baby" Bey said looking at me, while I'm still looking at dude who has yet to take his eyes off Bey.

"Whatever. Who is this?" Chelle asked the question I've been wondering.

"Oh how rude of me. This is Austin, Austin these are my best friends Michelle & Gwyn, my boyfriend Shawn, and my baby Nahla"

"Nice to meet y'all" he said.

"How you know him?" I asked Bey.

"He is one of the new teachers I hired today"

"After the interview Bey was talking about she was hungry so I decided to treat her to lunch" Austin said while smiling at Bey.

Oh hell no.

"Well I'm going to get going so you can enjoy your lunch with your friends. I'll see you at work Bey" he stated.

"Okay bye" Bey said as he walked out. Once he was gone we all looked at Bey. "What?" she questioned.

"I don't trust him" I said while sliding into the booth beside her and Nahla.

"Babe what are you talking about?"

"He has a crush on you Bey, a blind man can see that" Chelle says.

"And that's all it will ever be a crush" I let her know.

"Shawn I am not worried about him. Why would I when I have a sexy, loving boyfriend like you?" Bey says while kissing my lips.

"I think I'm going to throw up" Gwyn says.

We laugh. "Shut up" Bey says while throwing her napkin at Bey.

I know Bey said she isn't worried about ole' dude, but it's not her I don't trust it's him. So believe I will be keeping an eye on him. After we finished eating, Nahla rode with Bey home, while I dropped off Chelle & Gwyn. Before leaving I went over the plan again with them regarding the proposal to make sure we were all on the same page.

When I entered our apartment it was pretty quiet so I headed upstairs to see where Bey & Nahla were. Entering our bedroom they both were knocked out in the bed. I smiled at the sight and took a picture.

After changing into some shorts and a shirt I got into bed with them and cuddle up to Bey causing her to wake up a little bit.

"It's just me babe" I say while kissing the side of her head. She relaxes and goes back to sleep.

As I look down at her and Nahla I can't help but smile at my family.

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