24. The happiness is in the air

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Dedicated to @PatriciaDaSilva3 because she has been such a dedicated reader!! Thank you! :)

Cover by @Krazytine ---> :)

And #153 in humor and #263 in teen fiction! Yay! Thank you so  much! :) Love you all! :)

  CHAPTER 24 - The happiness is in the air

One week later

So, I got out of hospital and now, I am all good and healthy, All thanks to Dr. Brown and well.. I never wanted to say that but to Rebecca too! 

And you know the best thing, Ryan and Sage are going out now. They went to two dates. Can you even believe it? I can't! My plan's working. And just like I am no longer doing this to date Aiden and just for my sister, I am trying my best! I really am people. Because I am Jade, the girl who is sacrificing her nights and days to fix here up her sister and the school's bad boy. As stupid as it sounds.

I walked inside the school building and went straight to my locker. I grabbed my books and felt something really weird. None of my friend have came today at my locker. 

I turned around and saw Marly standing quietly near her locker. Why is she always alone? She is such an amazing person and the bonus part, she is damn gorgeous. Then why is she still alone?

I went to her and chirped,"Hey Marly!"

She turned to me and said with a smile,"Hi."

"Why are you so alone all the time?" I asked bluntly. My.stupid.blunt.mouth! 

Mouth : Shut up!

"Um, I just don't have many friends." she stammered. Aw!

"I am your friend! And I always will be your friend." I said proudly. 

She chuckled and said,"You are. I know. Are you going to english class right now?"


"Okay, I have History. I wish I had the same with you." she spoke, and turned to her locker to take her books.

"It's an AP class." I said.

Damn, that must sounded rude, right? Like I was making fun of her that she can't be in AP because she isn't smart enough? I am just a disguisting person. What is happening to me now a days? My mouth is saying stupid things which are hurting people. First Ryan then Marly. 

I hate you mouth because you always cause troubles.

Mouth : Stop blaming me for everything! I am not the one who is supposed to think before speaking!

Me : Oh, sorry! I hate you stupid brain!

Brain : Are you talking to me?

Me : Oh yes, I am.

Brain : You can't talk to me like that, young lady!

Me : Who are you? My mother?

Brain : Well, in a sense, I am because you got me from your parents!

Me : What do my body parts speak? God, please shut them up! They are soo annoying!

Brain : You shut up!

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