14. The social butterfly

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 CHAPTER 14 - The social butterfly

Because of my dad trying to become a social butterfly, I had to face Ryan again that day.

Don't get me wrong, Ryan was a great guy with a well mannered personality, but there was just something about him that made me pull myself away from him. Maybe it was the aura that he carried along with him. I found something very intimating about him, but didn't know what it was. The way he looked at me or the way he smiled his way through everything, it just developed something in me.

Which reminded me, what happened during the detention? He was such a sweetheart to take my detention and I had to thank him for that.

"Jade, clean your room," dad ordered, standing at my bedroom door while I was doing my homework on my study table.

Why do I have to clean my room?

"But why dad? They are just coming to eat, not to see how your daughter lives in her room," I said.

"It's not about them. Sometimes, just try to clean up the room by yourself. And I know that you keep your room clean but it seems like it's the time when you should fix things a little bit, Princess," Dad answered. 

You're a bit rusty, dad. Didn't come up with a good reason for cleaning.

"It's not working, dad." 

"Okay, but they have a daughter too. So what if she wanted to come inside your room? You can't show her your dirty room."

"Oh, come on. It's not dirty. At all."

"Final decision, Princess." 

And he walked downstairs.

Damn, he always took advantage of the fact that both us sisters always obeyed his decisions. He raised us and he was our role model, of course we were going to respect his words.

Not cool, dad, not cool.

I took a quick glance around my room and realized; it really was a tat messed up, with my clothes on the ground.

I went downstairs to pick up the dusting mob to clean the dust. I went to the kitchen where Marie, as usual, was cooking something. 

What is she always cooking? She was always in the kitchen whenever I entered in; just always there. Was she a ghost?

I walked to her and spoke,"What are you cooking?"

"Something for the dinner. Want something special?" Marie asked in her soft accent. Her brown hair were tied properly in a bun and she covered it with a cloth. She was a gorgeous lady with all the natural features gifted to her.

Marie was the closest female guardian I had in my life. Since mom left dad, Marie had been acting like a mother figure over Sage and I. She treated us like her own children and often brought her son, who was around twenty, to meet us. They all were very friendly and welcoming.

"Yeah, how about some chicken?" I asked cheerfully. Because I loved chicken. A lot. Very very much.

"Sure, Sweetie. Anything else?" She asked.

"Yeah, where's the mob?" I wandered my eyes here and there, in search of the mob.

Marie turned to me with a confused face and spoke,"Why do you need that, dear?"

"Because dad wants me to clean my freaking room," I exclaimed dramatically. Marie laughed at my words and went to get the mob when I heard dad saying from the living room,"Language in the house, Princess."

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