Chapter 33: The Last Melon

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The exams past quickly and they were easier than I thought. In my DADA practical exam, the lady whose name I can't remember, that was watching me, asked me to make a patronus, as professor McGonagall had seen I could make one. I made it appear and it crawled all around the examination room. Everyone else who was doing theirs, stopped to look at it. Once I took it away, everyone clapped and I felt my hair turn a bright magenta. The lady had looked extremely shocked when that happened, it was quite amusing.

Before I knew it, it was the second last day of the school year, unfortunately, Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup, but Ravenclaw and Slytherin came 2nd and Hufflepuff 3rd. We had the feast tonight, and then we headed home tomorrow. I woke up at around 8:00 and got dressed.

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Once I had finished, I took my phone and walked around the castle, vlogging the entire thing. I showed the "Video" every single thing and spoke of everything I had done this year in each spot. I know I have my diary, but you can't really see it, so I did this, plus it is the 21st century so...ya.

I realised I had missed breakfast, so by lunch I was starving. I went to the great hall and sat down next to Fred. "Hey Imogen, so basically, every single Weasley, Potter, Granger are staying at this massive house that the entire family bought and we are allowed to invite our friends. I was wondering if there was a chance that you Felicity, Marci and Lydia could come? I have already asked Owen and Lachlan and they are coming, so could you?" He asked me hopefully. "I would love to, but I will have to ask my mum and I probably won't be able to stay until the end of the summer." I said.

He agreed and we continued eating. The rest of the day was spent with the entire class and extra people, playing a giant game of hide and seek in the castle. We were in pairs because it was easier. Once you were found, you had to go out to the lake. It was really fun and we played multiple times before dinner.

The feast was brilliant. It turns out Ravenclaw tied with Slytherin in winning the house cup. We all cheered and were super excited. I went up to my room and began packing, leaving out what I was going to wear tomorrow on the train and all of the things I would take on the train.

The next day, I woke up at 7:00, had a shower and quickly got dressed. I was going to miss this place, but I would see it again in a few months anyway.

 I was going to miss this place, but I would see it again in a few months anyway

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Once breakfast was over, we went up to our rooms and got all of our things. I had spoken to Professor McGonagall and it turns out, that we can use our elemental magic outside of school because it isn't detected by the trace, same with our metamorphmagis magic. We took our luggage to the train and found a compartment. Berry was sitting on my shoulder and Scarlett in my lap. Owen was in the corner near the door, Fred was next to him, I was next to Fred, Lydia was next to me and Lachlan was next to her. Opposite Owen, was Lucy (I so ship it, now that I think about it), opposite Fred was Theo, next to him was Felicity, opposite Lydia was Marci and next to Marci was Peeta. We had a full compartment.

"I can't believe we are going home. I am going to miss this place." I said. "Yeah, and worse, we don't even get summer because it is winter in Australia." Felicity said. "You are all coming to stay with us for the last month of the holidays anyway." Fred said (LOL IT RHYMES!) "Yeah, I guess." Marci said.

The rest of the train ride was pretty good, although Ethan disturbed us again. It was quite hilarious actually. He came into the compartment and looked around. He noticed Lydia and went up to her. "So, Lydia, how about you leave these losers and come hang out with me in my compartment." He then winked at her. Before she could respond, Lachlan beat her to it. He grabbed her hand and said, "Go away! She is MINE!" He screamed. "I would leave if I were you." I told him. "And why should I do that?" He asked. "Do it, or I will make you." I told him, feeling my eyes and hair go bright red and my hair and hands catching on fire. The little baby ran out of the compartment as fast as his little (actually they are quite long but that's not the point) legs could carry him.

I then whispered to Lydia. "So, since when are you and Lachlan dating?" I giggled. "That's the thing, we aren't." She replied. OMG HE SOOOOOOO LIKES HER! I caught Lachlan's eye and mouthed, 'do it.' Indicating to Lydia. He, thankfully, understood what I was talking about. He asked to talk to her privately outside, and when they came back in, they were holding hands and Lydia was as red as a beetroot! "YAS MY SHIP IS CANNON!" I screamed. I was so excited.

When we arrived, we all took our luggage and headed to our families, or in my case, to the rest of the class. Fred introduced me to his parents and I nearly had a fan girl attack, but luckily Lydia was with me and kept whispering the words "conceal don't feel don't let them know." In my ear. I got through it and they seemed to like me a lot, particularly when we mentioned I was the seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. They were excited for me to come stay with them at the end of the holidays and Fred said he would owl me as much as he could. We said our goodbyes and left each other. Time to head back home to Australia.

AND THAT Lady's and Gentlemen, was the very last chapter. I thought there were more, but I was wrong, there was only 1. I am actually kind of upset...BUT...there will be more. I have already started writing the SEQUEL and will post the first chapter soon. I have my 2 week school holidays now, so I will most likely upload when school starts back. This, of course, is unless I am feeling generous and decide to upload the new book. Thank you to everyone who has read this story, make sure you leave comments on how I could improve the next book. THANK YOU once again!



Word Count: 1135

and, for the last time in this book...


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