Chapter 25: The Toad

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The week past and everyone thought Fred and Owens outfits were hilarious. I have decided I am going to pull a few more harmless pranks. I have been talking about it with Fred and Owen because they seemed pretty interested.

Monday morning, of the first day back at school, professor McGonagall got up to speak to everyone. "Everyone, today is Professor Granger's last day teaching. You will find out why soon enough but for now, make sure you say good bye. She will be replaced by Professor Weasley and we will get a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. We will be having a feast tonight to say goodbye to her and hello to our new DADA teacher." She informed us, and then we continued on with our breakfast.

"OK boys, I think we have a free period today, so I think we should plan a prank for the feast. That, or some form of show?" I told them.

"I think we should do a performance, we can ask the class what they think we should do." Owen said.

"Ok. Fred?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think performance, we need to make a good first impression on this new teacher." He said winking. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, because otherwise she/he will hate us when we prank her/him.

"Ok, well, Owen and I will talk to the class about it. Well, we best be heading off, class starts in 15 minutes and we are on the 7th floor." I said

"Don't you have super speed?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, but Owen doesn't." I replied.

"Bye!" We all shouted at the same time.

When we got to the ROR, we discussed it with the class. We ended up deciding that Lydia and I would sing, Marci and Felicity would be our back up singers. Joh would play the drums. Etc etc. The rest of the earthlings would either watch or use their wands for lighting and effects. In our free period we would all stay here and practice.


It was now time for our free period and the entire class and Fred were in the ROR. We were deciding on songs. Lydia really wanted to sing I'm gonna show you crazy, but it has too much swearing. Instead, I am going to go first by singing Loser Like Me. She will go second, singing Stand By You. Then we will do a duet singing Take A Hint. We would end it by singing Happy. Most people know the lyrics to that so they can join in. Fred had already asked Professor McGonagall and she said we can do it after she introduces the new professor.

We practiced all afternoon and then everyone left the ROR. We kept those who were going to be on stage and we chose what we were going to wear.



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We had decided to use our house colour theme to show some Hogwarts pride

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We had decided to use our house colour theme to show some Hogwarts pride.

That night, when we arrived at the great hall we all sat down quickly. Professor McGonagall was standing, ready to give her speech. She didn't seem very happy.

"Hello students. As you know, we have a new DADA teacher as professor Weasley will be taking over the post of Potions Master. We originally had professor Lockhart, but due to his memory loss, he seems to still be forgetting things. Instead, the department for educational decrees (A/N: I don't know if that is actually a department. I just made it up), has given us a different professor. Please welcome, Professor." She paused for a second. "Umbridge." I felt myself pale. She is probably the one person I hate more than Voldemort, and I haven't even met her. Crap. Lydia and I looked at each other. At least she likes pink right? Maybe she has changed?

The doors burst open and in walked the toad, I mean teacher, herself. She was wearing her usual pink outfit and she went up to the podium and made her speech. It was the exact same one she had made in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. "What does it mean?" Fred asked me. Oooo I have always wanted to say this. "It means the ministry is interfering with Hogwarts." Then I smirked.

Then professor McGonagall got up again. "Now I would like to welcome some of the students from 8A to do a performance to welcome professor Umbridge and say goodbye to Professor Granger." We had set up at the back of the hall so everyone, including the teachers, could see us.

"Thank you everyone." I said. "First, I am going to be singing Loser like Me." Once I had finished singing that, Lydia went up and said, "Now I am going to sing Stand By You." She sang that and then we both went on stage. "We are going to now be singing a duet. The song is called Take a Hint." Once we had finished with that song. "Ok, this is the last song. Most of you muggle borns will probably know it. Happy!" We finished that and then bowed. I set off pink fireworks and Lydia purple. I saw professor Umbridge tense. Oh yeah, Fred and George set off fireworks and they chased her. LOL!

Professor McGonagall got up to make another quick speech. She even said that Quidditch would be starting soon and that the team practices will be posted on the house notice boards. I couldn't wait. After that, the feast went pretty well, but I was dreading our first DADA class.

Ok and this is where the complication starts. Please welcome, the toad herself, Professor Umbridge! *No applause* Well, at least I am not the only one who absolutely hates her.

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Ugh, look at that evil smile. *Shudders* . Now of course I love the actress, I just hate the character. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Sorry it was a bit shorter than my others.





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