Chapter 11: The Fantabulous Four's Map

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A few weeks past and it was the start of my second, full week of school (not including the week we arrived in). I woke up at 7:00, as I usually do on a Sunday and stayed in bed for another half an hour playing Minecraft and Star Stable and then checking Wattpad. I then got up and picked my outfit for the day. As it was a weekend I decided to wear a dress of some sort. I looked through and found the perfect outfit. I wore a really cute red dress with black spots, a black belt with a silver buckle, some black ballet flats, and my miraculous ladybug earrings. Lydia would be so proud of me.

I went into the bathroom and made my hair go into two navy blue pigtails with red ribbons tied around them. I then did natural make up but put on bright red lipstick. My eyes started off with light blue in the middle, showing I was tired and light purple around the outside showing I was excited. I brushed my teeth and sprayed my Taylor Swift perfume. I then grabbed my phone and Scarlet and headed down to breakfast. Skipping most of the way there.

When I arrived, I found Lydia talking to Brianna and Brittney. Perfect, they are all miraculous ladybug fans. I tapped them on the shoulder and as they saw me they all squealed. Well, Lydia just clapped excitedly and probably squealed on the inside. We all walked in and ate our breakfast. I sat with Fred and he asked me if I could turn invisible and do something for him. What is it you need? I asked. Well, Filch took my dungbombs off me and they were my last ones until I can go to Hogsmeade and get some more, so could you get them for me. They should be in a draw labelled Highly Dangerous Objects. He said. I replied with ok and finished my breakfast.

I will go now. I discovered I could use more than one power at a time, so I put on my invisibility, my walking through objects (Im going to call that WTO from now on, if I remember), and my super speed and shot off to Filchs office. When I arrived, he wasnt in his office, so I went straight over to the draw and found a paper bag filled with dungbombs. I was about to leave when I noticed a book in their labelled How to make the marauders map! I grabbed it and the book underneath, closed the draw and ran off. Once I had arrived in the common room, (now not having to answer the riddle as I could run straight through the wall) I looked at the title of the other book, it was labelled, How to become an Animagus.

I wasnt too interested in that one, yet, so I put it in my bag. I looked at the marauders map one and it told us all of the spells and things they used. I decided that I would show the girls later, but for now I was just going to read.

It turned out I had missed lunch so I was extremely hungry by the time dinner came around, only having eaten breakfast and a few chocolate frogs and liquorish wands. I ran down and gobbled down my food. I completely ignored everyone as I was too hungry and when Im hungry, you dont talk to me or I will set the Lydia on you.

Once I was finished I then allowed people to talk to me so I joined a conversation Dylan, Blake, Fred and Owen were having. They were talking about quidditch and flying and I was super excited for that. I think that I might try out for seeker. I think that would be really fun. I said. I am on the team and I am a beater just like my dad was. Fred said. Cool, is flying fun. I have always wanted to. Then I remembered my metamorphmagis book and that it said I could fly. While he was explaining the thrill of flying to the others, I had closed my eyes and thought flying power activate! Next thing I knew I was up in the air. It was so easy, it was just as easy as walking.

Wow! Flying is fun! I yelled out to Fred. Everyone was looking at me in awe and I winked at Felicity, Lydia and Marci and they got the message and soon, all of us were up in the air. It was lucky I was wearing bike shorts underneath my dress. We all did a back flip and landed back on the ground. Well that was fun. I said to them. Meet me at the ROR ok? I told them. They all nodded and we sped off using our super speed. I knew the short cut so I arrived their first. Lydia was second and Marci and Felicity got there at the same time. I opened the ROR and it turned into a room which was miraculous ladybug themed.

I sat down on a lounge that was black with a green paw in the middle with Lydia next to me and Marci and Felicity sat down on one that was opposite us. I took out the book on how to create the marauders map and read it out to them. I grabbed out some parchment and we practiced the spells on it multiple times. We finally perfected each spell and decided it was time to put them on the true Marauders map #2.

There were four spells we needed to use so we each got our own. Lydia put the ink on it. Marci charmed it so that it would show people. Felicity made it so the people would move and I charmed it so it would be called the Fantabulous Fours Map and so it could only be accessed by saying I solemnly swear that I am up to no good and to clear it, you would have to say mischief managed. I also told the others that it could be changed if we wanted to but only I could do it as I was the one who cast the original spell.

I tapped it with my wand and sealed all of the enchantments and also made it so it would insult anyone who tries to open it without the password. Lydia tapped it with her wand and said, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good, and on the front it said the Fantabulous Fours Map. Underneath, it said our current nicknames, Imoji, Lyd, Flic and Marty (A/N: or Mark hehe)

We opened it and it showed every single person and place except for the ROR and us as we were inside of it. I noticed it even said our pets names. I decided to see if it would tell us the passwords to the common rooms and I was correct in that assumption as when I tapped the Gryffindor common room with my wand, the words Mimbulus Mimbletonia appeared on it and Marci agreed that that was indeed the password. I was so glad that this was finished.

Should we make a copy for each of us? I asked. They all agreed and we made 3 more copies. By that time, it was 9:00. I grabbed Scarlet, hid the map in my bag, said goodbye and ran to my common room. I went up, had a bath and got into my large black T-shirt with a white owl on it and my hot pink bike shorts. I fed Scarlett and collapsed on my bed. I grabbed my phone and checked my social media. I then texted mum and dad and finally I went to sleep.

Ok, so more of a filler chapter, I just really wanted the marauders map because it is cool. I chose the name fantabulous four because my dad always calls us the fantastic four but I didn't want to copy so I changed it. Thank you for reading.



Word count:1415

A/N #2 So I just realised that I missed a chapter (pre written btw) so this one is now here and I am adding the other one in. So when you see I have updated, pls just go back to the chapter 10 and read it. Thank you, bye. (P.S I know its kind of confusing... sorry)

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