Chapter 27: The DA

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The next morning was pretty uneventful, until we were heading to the ROR for our first class. We were stopped by none other than Ethan. He had come and tripped me over and I fell on my sore hand. "Whoops, sorry, didn't see you there." He said, sarcasm dripping off his tongue. "What do you want Ethan?" Lydia asked. De ja vu anyone? "You." Once he said that, Lydia literally went and vomited."

"W-what?" Lydia stuttered. "I want you to go to Hogsmeade with me." He stated.

"I wouldn't go on a date with you even if I was offered dragon slayer magic." She sneered. I giggled quietly, Felicity and Marci looked confused. Then, we all swaggered away, like we owned the place. Something in my gut tells me that he actually likes her, and that wasn't just a random ask, but I can't be sure.

The day past quickly and before I knew it, it was 5:30. I decided to head to the ROR early so I could create a room, but when I got there, Lydia was already inside, with her laptop, writing one of her stories. I decided not to disturb her, so I ran back to the Ravenclaw dorm and grabbed my lap top, running back to the ROR in a matter of minutes. I arrived back and plopped down on one of the other lounges. I made a plan of everything we had to get through today. People began arriving but I ignored them, only looking up when I knew everyone was here.

"Ok everyone. Take a seat anywhere." I said. I got up and stood in front of the fire place. "Ok. So, first thing on the discussion board is a name. Any ideas? "DUMBLEDOR'S ARMY!" Blake yelled. "No, we don't want to copy." I responded. "McGonagall's army?" He questioned. "I will write it down, but we really don't want to drag her into it. Remember what happened to Dumbledore?" I reminded them all.

"DADA!" Lydia yelled. "Defence Against the Dark Arts is already a class." I reminded her. "No. Defence Against Delores Army. That or DADU, Defence Against Delores Umbridge or Umb**ch, whichever one you like most." She said. I wrote both of them down, choosing Umbridge...not the other...word. "Anything else?" I asked. "The Prank Squad!" Destiny screamed. I wrote that down as well. "Anything else, or is that it? Yes, good. Ok well I will think about it. I may merge some of them. It is dinner time now, so meet back here straight after. Thank you." And with that, we all left, heading towards the great hall.

I went down and sat at the Ravenclaw Table. I ate very little as I wasn't hungry. I saw Aisha and Lydia talking so I decided to go and join them. I walked over to them and heard the words, "So who is apart of the Murder Squad?" Wait, what? "What murder squad?" I asked them, finally announcing my presence. They both tensed and turned around. "Er....nothing?" Lydia responded. I glared at them. "Fine, we didn't want you to find out, but we are making a squad called the murder squad, where we talk about all of the people we would love to murder and how to murder them. Only thing is, we wont actually murder them. We didn't tell you because we knew you would disapprove." Aisha informed me.

I thought about it for a second and said, "Well, you can keep it on one condition. I get to join. And I get to make costumes and things for everyone. Also, you can keep the name 'Murder Squad' but how about we prank people instead." I suggested. "Ok. That is a really good idea. We need to have a meeting." Lydia said. "OK, after the meeting tonight, we can have a Murder Squad meeting. Oh and, I chose the name for the other group." I said. "Yay, what is it?" Aisha asked, clearly excited. "Delores Army. We then, still have DA, and it is really funny, because it is as if we are her army, even though we are against her." I told them. "OMG YES I LOVE IT!" They both screamed. "SHHHHH!" I shushed them, as people were looking at us suspiciously.

The meeting after dinner went really well. I told everyone the name and they thought it was hilarious. I took out a pink piece of parchment, as this is Umbridge after all, and wrote DELORES ARMY at the top. I then enchanted it, like Hermione did, so that if anyone began to tell on us, they would all of a sudden loose their memory for an entire week. Everyone signed and we decided to use muggle pens instead of galleons, as our sense of communication.

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