Chapter 13: Halloween

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The next few weeks went by extremely fast and before we knew it, it was the first of October. We were sitting in the great hall eating our dinner when Professor McGonagall got up to make a speech. Can I have everyones attention please? She asked. The whole room went completely silent, you could probably hear a pin drop, and turned towards the Headmistress.

On the 31st October, Halloween, the school is having a masquerade ball. You may wear costumes for the day and then that night, the boys will wear dress robes whilst the girls will wear dresses, you will all need to wear masks. You may go with a partner, as a group or on your own, it is up to you. This ball is for all years, so older kids, please be sensible. She announced. Most of the boys groaned as well as some girls. The rest of the girls squealed, and then there was me, who decided to just keep a straight face, even though I was squealing on the inside.

I wonder if anyone will ask me. I doubt it. Why would anyone want to ask an ugly nerdy weirdo like me? I sighed quietly to myself. Oh well, I will just go with my friends, and if they get dates, then I shall go by myself or not at all.

I finished my dessert and headed back to the common room. When I got there, I saw Fred. I walked up to him and sat down next to him on the lounge. Hey, Imogen, I heard you watched this show called Miraculous Ladybug, you want to show me what it is? He asked. I, being the crazy weirdo I am, full on got up and jumped around screaming I thought you would never ask. I ran up to my dorm and got my lap top. I bought it back down and we decided to go to the boys dorm because it would be quieter. It was similar to the girls side, just a lot messier.

We sat on his bed and I went onto kiss cartoon and started the first episode. He already knew the basics of what it was about as he had heard Lydia and I discuss it on countless occasions. We watched 9 episodes and we were going to go to bed when I said that we should at least watch the 10th because it is the best. We watched Dark Cupid and I squealed throughout most of it, its a wonder he heard any of it. I hugged him, took my laptop, said goodnight and went to bed. I decided to have a shower and put on my Ravenclaw Pyjamas.

I did my hair in a side plait as it was more comfortable to sleep in. I played my phone for about 10 minutes, wrote in my diary and went to sleep.

Over the next few weeks, I waited for someone to ask me to the ball, yet no one did. Lydia was going with Lachlan (ahhh, they grow up so fast *wipes fake tear*) Felicity was going with a guy in Hufflepuff called Theodore and Marci was going with this guy called Peeta.


We were walking to the Slytherin Common rooms cause we were going to do our homework there and as we were going to enter, a guy came out of the portrait door. He was tall, had black hair, tan skin and greeny blue eyes. I'll admit he was quite good looking. Probs a player. "Well, well, well, if it isnt the Fantabulous Four, as I have heard people calling you." He said, putting his hand on his hip sassily. "What do you want Ethan?" Lydia asked him, pushing to the front of the group so she was standing in front of him. He was taller than all of us, yes, even me, yet she still made him step back. I was wondering why you were letting these little twats enter our common room? He asked. Call them a twat again and it will be the last thing you ever do. She growled, all of our hair tuned red and in my case eyes. I even made myself have fangs for extra effect, cause Im awesome like that.

He looked a bit frightened for a moment, especially when he looked at my eyes and fangs. It only lasted a second though before he puffed his chest out and swaggered away from us, shoving Marci over in the process. Another boy had walked out just as Marci fell. He had dirty blonde hair and was built fairly well with a bit of muscle but still a sort of babyish face. I kinda wanted to squeeze his cheeks but I stopped myself. He caught her and she blushed a bright crimson and her hair turned pink. I can hear the bells (A/N: Thats a song from Hairspray for those who dont know). H hi, I Im Marci. She stuttered. OMG SHE NEVER STUTTERS! I dibs being Maid of Honour!

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