Chapter 23:The Rap Battle

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The next weekend, the class had decided to have another sleep over. Everyone was back from holidays and school would be starting again next week. Lydia and I were the first ones awake. I told her about a dream I had, where Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger had a rap battle. Don't. Even. Ask. "Well, we have nothing to do today, why don't we have a rap battle. You can dress up as Hermione and I will dress up as Katniss. Of course, we will cheat and make the rap before hand, since we both suck at making it up on the spot, but then we can perform it in the great hall!" Lydia said. "Ok, but we need to have our 'side kicks', I need a 'Harry' and a 'Ron' and you need a 'Peeta' and a 'Gale'." I said. "Well, I will ask Peeta and Theodore. They kind of look similar." Lydia said. "Ok, I will ask Fred, because he has red hair, and um maybe Baden?" I questioned. "Yeah, might as well."

Once everyone was awake, I went over and told Baden and Fred (who was also there) to meet us at the Ravenclaw Common Room in half an hour. Lydia and I then went to a broom closet, got out the Fantabulous 4 map and searched for Theo and Peeta. Peeta was in the Gryffindor Common room, so I went to get him, and Theo was in the Hufflepuff. We set off and took them to the Ravenclaw common room. "Crap, we forgot to get a Dumbledore and an effie." Lydia said. I looked around and noticed Dylan sitting on one of the lounges. I pointed over to him and raised one eyebrow.

Lydia nodded and then went over to him and said, "come with me." She then grabbed him by the ear and dragged him towards us. He kept on saying ow, ow, ow all the way to us. "Ok guys, so we are bored and have decided to do a fake rap battle between 'Hermione Granger', played by me and 'Katniss Everdeen', played by Lydia. We of course need our side kicks, so Peeta and Theo, you will play Peeta and Gale, and Fred and Baden, you will play Ron and Harry." I told them. "And, what do I have to do with this?" Dylan asked. "Oh, you will play Dumbledore." Lydia said. They all nodded and agreed that this will be fun.

We then all went to a lounge and began planning. We wrote the rap for each of us, and then made the costumes. We decided to do it at lunch as by the time we were done breakfast had already past. We just ate a few chocolate frogs and continued. "Wait, we need someone to introduce us. Otherwise everyone will be confused. Actually can you imagine the look on Professor Granger and Weasley's faces. HA! Priceless!" I said. "Marci will do it, I will go get her and I will get Felicity to play Effie." And with that, Lydia left, using her super speed. They were back in a matter of minutes and we explained the entire thing to them. They agreed. We then all went to get dressed, the boys went to the boys dorm and the girls in mine.

Once we were finished, lunch was about to start, so we headed to the great hall. We went in and set up all of our stuff at the front of the hall where they usually do the sorting. The teachers looked at us weirdly but didn't question it. We waited until everyone was here before Marci got up and began speaking.

"Ok, so as you may have seen we have a few people dressed up as characters from movies. Imogen had a weird dream last night where Katniss Everdeen and Hermione Granger had a rap battle so we are going to re-create that." Marci said. "Well, lets get started."

(A/N: Ok, so I do not own this rap, there is a video, if it worked, at the top. I have used their lyrics and got the idea from them. OK. SO I do not own this idea, I just thought it was funny).

We had a fake Goblet of fire and I used my air magic to make a piece of burnt parchment fly to 'Dumbledore'.

"Hermione Granger!" He announced. I swaggered up to the middle of the stage from the right, with 'Ron and Harry' flanking my sides.

Then the goblet of fire 'produced' another name and 'Effie' called out,

"Katniss Everdeen!"

'Katniss' was already in place, but her, Peeta and Gale all did the mockingjay call.

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