Chapter 9: Classes

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The next day I woke up, almost forgetting where I was until Scarlet jumped on my stomach, reminding me we were at Hogwarts. I looked at the time and realised that it was 6:00. I decided I would take Scarlet to the great hall with me, so I will just give her some food there. I got up and grabbed my toiletries bag again and chose my clothes for the day, of course having to wear one of my many variations of school uniform. Today I wore, my grey skirt, a white collared shirt with my Ravenclaw tie, I had on knee high blue socks with the Ravenclaw symbol on them and some heeled black ankle boots. I also put on some bronze eagle earrings and my silver signet ring with the blue diamond in it.

I went into the bathroom and did my business and got changed. I then looked in the mirror and noticed my hair was completely rainbow and was shaped like an afro. I also noticed my eyes were lime green. I decided to close my eyes and try to picture my hair and eyes being my natural colour and length. I could feel my hair growing so I opened my eyes. My hair was perfectly normal, but my eyes were still green. I then remembered seeing a book in the common room on metamorphmagis so I decided to go and get it.

Once I had it, I ran back to my room and sat on my bed. By now, the other girls were awake and starting to get ready. I noticed none of them were morning people so they were completely silent. I flicked through the book and on the first page it told me that some special metamorphmagis eyes will change colour according to their emotions, but the metamorphmagis wont be able to change it back. When a regular, or enhanced metamorphmagis is feeling a particularly strong emotion, their hair will change colour. After this information, there was a chart showing all of the eye colours and what they mean.

Underneath it said that these rules applied for the hair colour as well.

I realised I hadnt done my hair or make up yet so I went back into the bathroom. I dont wear much make up, usually just a natural look and maybe if Im bored, I will put on a crazy coloured lip stick (usually some form of pink). Today I just went with a light pink. I then decided to see if I could style my hair using my metamorphmagis powers, ok thats a really long word so Im just going to say my special powers. I closed my eyes and imagined a Katniss braid. I felt my hair changing and when I opened my eyes it was perfect. I realised I didnt want this look so I made it come back out again and made it so it was in light waves and a waterfall braid. I decided to have my hair my usual brown but with a few more blonde streaks then I would usually have.

I walked out and checked my phone. I noticed it was 7:00 which is when breakfast starts, so I grabbed my purple school bag, put an undetectable extension charm on it, even though it was advanced magic, I taught it to myself at the leaky cauldron, and put all of my books, quills, some parchment and a few ink bottles in it. I also put my phone in its Chat Noir phone case, grabbed Scarlett and put her on my shoulders and off I went to breakfast.

When I arrived it was already 7:20 so I sat down at the Ravenclaw table next to Fred, who happened to already be there. I started up a small conversation with him, asking what it was like being at Hogwarts and then I noticed there was bacon. BACON! THANK YOU GIANT MOTHER OF ALL MAGICAL ANIMALS AKA PIGS I screamed out at the top of my lungs. All of the people in my class just laughed at me, knowing my love to bacon and my weird sayings, whilst everyone else just looked at me like I was crazy. I felt my hair and eyes changing colour. I looked down and noticed my hair was magenta with violet streaks. I closed my eyes and changed my hair back to normal, knowing my eyes would stay the same.

I could hear a bunch of people gasp and I remembered Professor McGonagall saying that metamorphmagis were really rare. I then noticed Felicity, Marci and Lydia enter. Lydia had dead straight black hair, but her eyes were normal, Felicity had curly brown hair with blonde streaks and her eyes were also normal and Marci had blonde hair and it was in a Katniss braid and her eyes were the same. I squealed and rushed to them. They were all excited to see me and then they noticed my eyes. They all immediately gasped. Why are your eyes light purple? Lydia asked. Yeah, how do I change my eye colour? Marci continued. Well I said as I took out the book on metamorphmagis from my enchanted bag. This will tell you everything you need to know. I said.

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