Chapter 30: The Spectacular Easter Prank

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A few weeks past and we continued annoying Umbridge. The Murder Squad and I had pranked each of the houses individually and since Easter was this Sunday, we decided we were going to prank the entire school then. We agreed to meet after school on Friday to plan everything. Luckily for me, today is Friday. I also realised that I had my first game of Quidditch tomorrow. (A/N: Ok, I actually don't know when the Quidditch season is, but I am pretending it started a few weeks ago). It was Slytherin VS Ravenclaw, which meant I was going head to head with Lydia. Well, at least she isn't a beater, then we would all be dead.

That afternoon, I went to the ROR with the girls and we began plotting I mean planning. It took us an hour in total, but I think this will be the best Easter ever.


I woke up bright and early and got dressed into regular work out gear. I then grabbed my phone and earphones, and headed towards the great hall. I was extremely nervous. It was all up to me to win the game. If I didn't catch the snitch it would be my fault we lost. I ate breakfast quietly, not talking to anyone. Lydia, even though I was versing her, knew I was doubting myself as I tend to do that a lot, and came and gave me a carrot. "Lucy, keep these carrots with you, and give them to Imogen throughout the game. If you don't, she might faint, and as much as I would love to win, she is my best friend." I munched on the carrot and then the rest of the team came and got me, telling me I had to go and put my uniform on.

I got to the changing rooms and slipped my Quidditch robe on. I then grabbed my firebolt and headed out to the rest of the team. The captain gave his speech and then Fred helped me up and told me I was going to be brilliant. He is a beater, just like his dad was. I took a deep breath and munched on the carrot. I had a few in my pocket, but I would run out soon. I put one earphone in so I could still hear the game. We walked out and everyone in Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff cheered. Oh no, if I fail, more people will be disappointed. I began shaking a tiny bit. I went through my carrot quickly and was onto the next one in no time.

"Now I want a nice clean game." Madam Hooch said. "From all of you." She continued, looking at Slytherin mainly. Lydia was looking at me worriedly. Once I was up in the air, I should be fine. We got into position and the snitch was released first. It went around my head, and then Lydia's, I followed it with my eyes as it flew off behind Lydia, into the distance. As soon as the quaffle was released, I sped off, high into the air. I began circling the pitch. I was only using one arm as I was still eating my carrot. I continued flying and then I ran out of carrots. I began shaking again, so I quickly searched the crowd for Lucy and when I found her, I flew to her. She saw me coming and took out 3 carrots from her pocket. "Here you go. Good luck!" She yelled at me. I tried to smile but it came out as more of a grimace.

An hour later, we were still playing and I was running out of carrots, and fast. I had now eaten 24. Oops. We decided to try something else instead. Lucy began giving me apples. I liked them as well, so I began munching on them instead. I had enchanted my pockets with an undetectable extension charm so I could use it as a rubbish bin for the cores.

It was then that I saw it. A flash of gold directly in the middle of the pitch. Lydia and I were at equal distance, but luckily, I had seen it first. I flew as fast as I could towards it. Lydia had realised what was going on and flew after me as well. We both grabbed it at the same time, but my hand was clenched around it, hers was around my hand. My heart was racing. I had done it, we won. I looked at the board. Never mind. "Ladies and gentlemen, it seems, for the first time in Hogwarts History, we have a tie! Ravenclaw caught the snitch, but Slytherin have scored many goals." The commentator said. I think he was in Gryffindor. He reminded me of, oh, he must be Lee Jordan's son. Yes, that would make sense.

After the game, I had a lot of queries on how many carrots and apples I had eaten. My answer, 24 carrots and 10 apples. Whoops. Well house elves, I would suggest you stock up on them, ready for the next game, because I will definitely need it.

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