Chapter 17:The party

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A few days past and I was feeling much better, only thing was I had eaten a lot more chocolate than usual. Chocolate calms me down when I am angry or upset. I am literally a chocoholic, I can't go a day without eating it. Eboni also didn't hate me and all was well. I was in a funny mood today so I gathered the class in the ROR. I also invited Fred and Lucy.

"Ok guys. I have a plan. So I have this list of all of the things I want to do at Hogwarts and I have a few that we can do today. Ok, so first off, I printed off a few signs and then duplicated them. We need to put them on every single door in Hogwarts, or, as many as we remember, ok." I showed them the signs. They either said Dumble or Gryffin. Some people looked confused others just laughed. "For you dumby's who don't get it, DumbleDOOR and GryffinDOOR!" I said to them. There were a lot of "ohhh,s" and it was kind of frustrating at how stupid they can be.

"Ok, we are going in groups of 6. So group up." I ended up with Marci, Felicity, Lydia, Fred and Lucy. I grabbed out a map (no not the fantabulous four map, this one doesn't move) and showed each group where they will be going. My group has the 7th floor and the towers. "Try to get all of them but if you don't it doesn't matter. Come back here in 1 hour please." I said, handing each group a stack of signs. "Duplicate them if you need more and if you don't know how, either look it up or just come back here". I instructed them and my group and I headed out.

An hour later, we were all at the ROR. "Well, I think that was successful. I can cross that off my list." I said. "OK, next, I have some invitations. We need to give them to every single student, and make sure that no teacher see's. I am holding a party in the Chamber of Secrets. The teachers will have NO idea where the students have gone and it will be hilarious." I told them. "I am giving you each an invite and then can Lyd, Marci, Flic, Fred and Lucy please stay behind." I said. I handed them out and then everyone left. "Ok guys, we need to put the invites in everyone's dorms so the teacher's won't get them. Will you help?" They all nodded. "Lucy and Fred will do Ravenclaw, Felicity Huffelpuff, Lydia, Slytherin and Marci Gryffindor. I will tell the ghosts about it. It is tomorrow from 4:00 onwards. That means we have all day to set up. I have given instructions on the invite on how to get in. I will open the chamber, as I can speak parseltongue, and Fred and I will stand there and wait for people to arrive. I will also open the other door to get into the actual chamber, but one of you will need to hold it open, because if it shuts, no one can get in." I told them. They all nodded. "Ok, well, go and give out the invites then. I said.

They all left and I grabbed out my real map. There were two ghosts in the corridor so I went out and told them. I continued to find ghosts and cross them off my list once I was done.

The next day, I got dressed into:

I figured it would be kind of cold down in the chamber, so I made sure I wore warmer clothes

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I figured it would be kind of cold down in the chamber, so I made sure I wore warmer clothes. I just put my hair up in a high pony tail and made it blonde. I met up with Fred and Lucy in the common room and we walked together to Moaning Myrtles Bathroom. My other friends were already there so I hissed at the sink and it opened. I realised I probably shouldn't have worn white jeans. Oh well. I sent the others down and then used a spell to make me glide down slowly. On the way down, I cleaned the grime from the pipes and lit it up a bit with fairy lights.

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