Chapter 16: Emotional Suit

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The weekend went by fast and today I decided to put on my Metamorphmagis suit. I chose the one that changes outfits according to my emotions. I was excited to be wearing it finally so it changed to:


As soon as I saw my outfit in the mirror, I squealed! I was so excited. Throughout the day, I am going to keep tabs on what outfit I get.

I walked down to breakfast and I began to think about, what if my outfit turns into something really horrible. As I began to get more and more worried, I felt my outfit change again. I quickly ran to a bathroom to look at it.


OK, it wasnt that bad. I seem to be getting a lot of dresses. I like it. Maybe the outfits also match your personality. I am a girly girl so maybe they will always be girly stuff. I began to relax as I discovered that and I felt the outfit change yet again.


It was really pretty. I loved it. I decided not to worry about getting ugly outfits. I began to get excited again as I imagined the look on peoples faces when my outfit just changes all of a sudden. The dress turned into the same light purple one there was before.

When I get back to my common room I will have to read the metamorphmagis book and see if it tells you about the metamorphmagis suits. I went on my way to the great hall. When I arrived, a lot of people kept on giving me weird looks. What, is it now a crime to wear a dress at school. Ok, that probably is a crime but STILL! I began to get really annoyed and I felt my outfit change again. I heard many gasps and whispers so I looked down.


The fabric on it literally made it look like I was on fire. It was so cool. More people were looking at me so I continued to be annoyed. I went and sat down next to Fred. I like your dress. He said. Its my metamorphmagis suit. It changes according to what emotion I am feeling, just like my hair and eyes. I said. Oh, I am guessing you are annoyed then? He asked. I gave a short nod and then continued with my food. I finished and by the end of it I was relaxed again and my dress was now the blue one.

I went to the ROR and when I got there my entire class was waiting for me. They began bombarding me with questions. I refused to answer any of them. I only yelled out once that it was a metamorphmagis suit and if they wanted to know what it was then they could go look it up or ask a teacher. I was really annoyed now and it had turned back to the fire looking one.

Soon Professor Granger arrived. She opened the door and we all filed in. Um, Miss Schmahl, shouldnt you be in the school uniform? She asked. I have permission to wear what I want from Professor McGonagall, this is a metamorphmagis suit, the one that changes according to what emotion you have at that given time, like my hair and eyes. I said to her. I figured I would be giving that explanation a lot today.

Once we were all seated, Professor Granger began to explain what we would be doing today. Today we will be I zoned out, wondering what the dress would look like if I was truly angry. Imogen, its time to make the potion. Felicity said, nudging me. I looked at the board and grabbed all of the ingredients. I felt bad for zoning out, so I vowed to concentrate really hard today. I was half way through and was carefully cutting up my ingredients, when I felt the dress change again:


It was a Blue-Violet colour, so it must mean I am very concentrated. Well, thats what I was aiming for. I went back to my work and ended up finishing first. I got the potion correct and after I packed up my things I was allowed to leave.

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