Chapter 32: I AM BACK!

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I was in a small coma for 2 weeks and when I woke up it was just Fred sitting next to me, asleep. I looked at the small clock next to me and noticed it was 5:00am. I guessed that I had been in a coma, as all I could see was black, but I could hear everything going on around me. A lot of people came to visit, people I didn't even know, and I was told that Umbridge was gone because Hermione Granger had been elected Minister for Magic. COOL! My friends had sent tonnes of fireworks after her, as she was sent to Azkaban. The last one they sent said, "THIS IS FOR IMOGEN!" And it turned into a replica of me and it followed her, punching her in the back all the way down to the front gates before exploding into dozens of colourful fireworks.

I tried to move and realised that Fred's arm was holding me in place. Oh god, not again. I then realised my phone was next to me and it was fully charged. Well that's a first. I looked at the date and it was the 13th May. Great. I missed my own best friends birthday. Tamara's birthday was on the 1st May. I am upset now. I crossed my arms and huffed like a child. My abrupt movement woke Fred up. He opened his eyes slowly and I said, "morning sleepy head."

His eyes widened and he said. "Imogen! You are awake!" I replied with, "wow, really, had no idea." I rolled my eyes and then he squeezed me and kissed me. Well, that was unexpected. He had tears in his eyes once he pulled away. "Madam Pomfrey said, there was a ch-chance you might have died." He sobbed. "I thought I was going to lose you." He continued crying. Wow, I never thought I would see the day that Fred Weasley JR cried. "Awe, don't worry. You cant get rid of me that easily. I would prefer to go out with a bang, not by being tortured thank you."

At around 7:00, Lydia, Felicity and Marci arrived. They came in with red eyes and then they noticed me sitting on the bed eating an apple that Madam Pomfrey had given me. "IMOGEN! YOU ARE AWAKE!" They all screamed. "Wow, thanks for pointing out the obvious." I said, rolling my eyes. They were all crying. Well, glad to see they love me as much as I love them. "Hey Madam Pomfrey, am I allowed to leave?" I asked. "You can go to breakfast, but you have to come right back after." She contemplated. "Ok, can one of you go get me some clothes please and don't tell anyone I am awake?" I asked. Felicity nodded and super sped off. When she came back, I went into the bathroom and got dressed.

  She even got me jewellery and make up

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She even got me jewellery and make up. YAY! I made my hair in long black pigtails. When I looked in the mirror to do my make-up, I noticed something peculiar on my face. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed! Everyone rushed in. "THERE IS A GIANT UGLY SCAR RUNNING FROM MY EYEBROW, ACROSS MY EYE AND DOWN MY CHEEK! WHEN DID THAT GET THERE?" I screamed at them. "I swear, I don't remember her cutting my face at all." I continued. "Well, she must have because that is how we found you." Lydia said. "Oh," was all I could reply with, before continuing with my make-up.

I was ready to make my appearance. I walked out and twirled around. I really like this outfit, I didn't even know I had it LOL! It was about half way through breakfast, so I pushed the doors open and we walked in. I was in the middle with Fred and Lydia next to me and Marci and Felicity beside them. We walked in and I sent fire into the air saying, IM BACK!

Everyone looked up and I bowed down. I then made my hair its usual colour and everyone screamed, "IMOGEN!" A lot of people came up and hugged me, thanking me for getting rid of Umbridge. What did I do? She hurt me? Then again if I hadn't annoyed her, I wouldn't have gotten detention thus meaning she wouldn't have hurt me and been sent to Azkaban for child abuse. Huh? I guess I kind of did. AWESOME! "Oh yeah, exams are in a week btw." Marci told me. "WHAT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER? I HAVE TO GO AND STUDY! STUFF THE FOOD I WILL EAT LATER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, turning around to go and get all of my books. Fred caught me by the shoulders and turned me back around. "No. You have to eat first." He said. I poked my tongue out at them and stomped to the Ravenclaw table, plopping myself down and crossing my arms.

Wait. Where is Scarlett and Berry? Did anyone feed them? "HEY EVERYONE! DID ANYONE FEED SCARLETT AND BERRY WHILE I WAS GONE?" I asked them all. "I did don't worry." Brianna said. I immediately relaxed. "Thanks." I said.

After I finished eating, I went back to madam Pomfrey and she checked me. "You seem to be completely fine. While you were in the coma, I heeled all of your wounds and your magic abilities helped as well, you still have quite a few scars, but that is it. I nodded and we all headed our separate ways. I sped off to my dorm to grab my notes and headed to the library to study. I pretty much knew everything, but I had to be sure. My class would be having a different exam to the other 3rd years, as we had to learn 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year stuff.

I went through all of my notes from all of my classes. I then practiced a few of the spells I thought would be in the practical exam. Finally, I was finished, and it was then that I realised it was lunch time. I took all of my things back to my dorm and headed to lunch.

That afternoon, Lydia and I walked around the castle just chatting about pretty much everything. We decided to go and sit in the Slytherin Common room. We were just chatting on the lounge about Miraculous Ladybug, Fairytail, SAO and Harry Potter, when we were rudely interrupted by Ethan. "Hey little twit, what are you doing here in MY common room, and where are the other 2 twits?" He asked rudely. "How many times do I have to say it? They have permission to be here, and, stop calling them Twits and Twats, Siriusly!" She yelled, getting really angry.

"Oh, hey Lydia, didn't see you there. I will stop bothering them if you go on a date with me." He said. "I told you, I wouldn't go on a date with you, if it were a choice between a date with you or they make no more Miraculous Ladybug episodes." She yelled at him. I set his pants on fire and screamed, "OH BURN!" Then we laughed evilly and headed out the door and to my common room.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly, there wasn't any more drama with Ethan thankfully.  It was a nice day outside, so that afternoon, I walked around the grounds with Fred and then we sat by the lake until dinner. Once it got dark, I had begun making fire animals. They were so majestic and then, because we were bored, we both made our patronus's and they danced around us like the majestic felines that they were.

Ok, another chapter. There are only a few more chapters left in this story guys. I am kind of sad for it to end....BUT (demo demo demo hehe) there will be another book. I have already started writing it and am up to like chapter 13 or something like that, just putting that out there... Well, anyway, as always, thanks for reading.



Word Count: 1346


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