Chapter 31: Patronus Charm

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We were now in April and also our last term of school. We had 10 weeks left before we went back to Australia for the Summer/Winter holidays. All of the teachers were starting to drill us with lectures about how important the end of year exams were. Almost all of the students in Ravenclaw had started studying. I was worried about DADA as we needed to learn to do the actual spells. I went and texted the girls and they agreed that we needed to have a DA meeting, where we actually practice spells, not just annoy Umbridge.

I told everyone, using our communication device, and that night, we all met in the ROR.

"Ok everyone, we need to start practicing some real spells. We will start with the ones in the text book for now, but in future lessons, we can start on harder things." I told them. "Oh, we have all been practicing the text book spells, so that we would know them." Tameka said. "Ok, are you 100% sure you all know them?" I asked sternly, sounding like their parent. "Yes." They all said. I then went back to my usual bubbly self. Most of the time, I am a bubbly childish girl, but at times, the mummy Imogen comes out, and when she does, you best be ready. I have to have a mummy Imogen, because Lydia sometimes needs a stern talking too, as well as Marci and occasionally some other people in my class.

"Ok, the spell I am about to tell you about, is extremely hard and I can't even do it yet, but I feel like we should learn it." I told them mysteriously. "I bet I can do it in one go!" Blake yelled out. "Ok, you keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eyes and continued, "I am going to teach you the patronus charm. Now, the incantation is Expecto Patronum. The patronus charm protects you from Dementors. It is always in the form of an animal that I guess you could say, is your spirit animal. It basically represents your soul, so, example, James Potter had a stag and Lily Potter had a doe, meaning they were soul mates." I finished. A few of them already knew, but some didn't. "Again, the incantation is expecto patronum and to cast it, you need to think of your happiest memory." I told them.

"Ok, I am going to try, but it will almost certainly fail." I told them.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" I screamed, thinking of the day I got my Hogwarts letter, I felt the excitement of that day rush through me. I opened my eyes and there was a silvery mist in the air. "That everyone was a patronus, what we are focusing on is a corpeal patronus, which will be an animal. Now I want you all to spread out and try."

I also walked over to a free space. Obviously my excitement of that day, wasn't my happiest memory. I decided to think of something else. "Expecto Patronum." I said. This time, I began thinking of the way I felt when I met all of my favourite Harry Potter characters. I opened my eyes and sprinting around me was a beautiful panther. I continued to concentrate and keep it there, everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch me. I could watch it all day. It was then that I realised that if I were an animagus, I would turn into a panther. Awesome! I was worried I was going to be a bunny or something, not that there is anything wrong with bunnies, but that wouldn't be a very interesting animagus.

People continued to practice and the next person to get theirs was Lydia. Her patronus is a wolf, and again, everyone stopped to watch. We continued for an hour and by the end of it, only Lydia, Marci, Felicity, Tamara, Fred and I had gotten it. I had a she-panther, Lydia a she-wolf, Marci a Ragdoll cat, Felicity a horse, Tamara a husky, and Fred had a panther. YAY WE ARE SOULMATES! I noticed Blake didn't get his on his first try. He managed to get it eventually, and it was a cheetah. Only one other person had gotten theirs, which was Dylan. He had a Dingo.

We all headed off to our own common rooms and Fred and I were still blushing. Lydia and Owen teamed up (well that's a first) and decided to tease us about it. Oh I will get them back, don't you worry. We had class the next day, so when we got back to the common room, Fred and I began planning a small prank to pull on them.

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