Chapter 10: Special Ability

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The rest of the day was pretty boring. We had a blank space next so that meant we didnt have to go to class. My friends and I decided to go and check out the library, under my influence of course. We went down and there were probably hundreds of books. I went straight to the librarian, Madam Prince, and asked her if she had a list of every book in the library, just out of curiosity. Unexpectedly, she said she did and that she had used a muggle device called a computer and a printer, to get multiple copies. Would I please be able to have one? I asked politely, deciding I would make it my goal to have read every single book in the library by the time I had graduated.

Of course dear. She replied, handing me multiple sheets of paper. May I ask why? I then proceeded to tell her my goal. Only one other person has managed to do that, and that was Hermione Granger. Of course, these pieces of muggle parchment do not show the books in the restricted section. Maybe, and I mean maybe, if you finish every single book here, then I might give you permission to start on the restricted section. She informed me. Thank you. I said and off I went. I looked at the list and decided I would be different (aka weird like a pig with a unicorn horn, actually I really want to see that now) and start from the middle and go up the list and then later on I would go back to the middle and go down the list.

I went back to the girls and we began our homework. We only had professor McGonagalls but that still took at least half an hour. The others couldnt believe I was already done. They were writing with larger hand writing then usual so they would use more space so they didnt have to write as much. I, on the other hand, wrote in my usual small, neat handwriting. I loved writing with a quill, Im such a weirdo.

While they were finishing up, I went to look for a few books. I came back with 4 and took them to Madam Prince so I could write my name down to say, I had borrowed them. She said I am allowed to keep them for two weeks before I have to either hand them back in or get them renewed. I nodded ok and by that time the girls were packed up and ready to go. I decided to take them to the Ravenclaw Common Room so we could read the metamorphmagis book.

When we got to the door, the eagle said, there is a bomb on top of the computer; around the computer are a hairbrush, keys, phone and a cup. When the explosion comes, what item is destroyed first? I thought about it for a second before realising the answer. I decided to let the other girls try and figure it out. Do you guys know the answer? I asked. Marci answered, is it the hairbrush cause they mentioned that first so isnt it closest. The door replied with no. I then asked Felicity and Lydia if they knew and they shook their heads, no. I then said to the door. The bomb. It said yes and the door swung open.

I see why you are in Ravenclaw and not us now. Lydia said. We walked in and sat down on a few of the sofas. I took out the book and flicked through it, while they looked around the common room. I then found something immensely interesting.

There was a chart that looked like this. (A/N: Please change the silver or grey to flying. I really want that to be one of them. Thank you).

Underneath it told us that,

Ever since 1999 when a witch (name unknown) cast an extremely powerful spell that went terribly wrong, all metamorphmagis have these powers. When they use them, their eyes turn the colours that are shown in the chart. There is a guide on the next page, which shows all metamorphmagis how to use them. (Photo up the top)

I flicked to the next page and read through all of the instructions. It worked much like the regular, changing your hair colour worked, you just had to think about it. The book also said that to turn it off you simply think about it again but think the word off straight after it. I decided to try it before I showed the others. I decided to try mind reader. I could see Fred so I closed my eyes and thought read mind activate. I waited a few seconds and looked up. All of a sudden everybody had a speech bubble above their head, some showing images and others words. This. Is. Awesome.

I didnt want to pry, for now, so I closed my eyes again and thought, Read minds off. I was so excited that I had discovered this new power that I almost forgot that my best friends were here. I looked up and saw them walking over. Hey, guys, I have found something super cool. I proceeded to show them and they each tried something different.

Lydia, of course, turned invisible. She went over to a 7th year boy and gave him a wedgie. We laughed so hard I thought my chest might explode it hurt so much. Marci remembered I had fallen over earlier and had a scratch on my knee, so she put her hand on it and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, it was completely gone. Felicity didnt tell us what she was doing, but we noticed her turn a bit transparent. Ahhhh, I know what she is doing. She then proceeded to walk straight through the table. She, not being much of a bragger, turned it off right away.

It was now 5:55 so it was 5 minutes until dinner. It was then that we noticed we were the last ones in the common room. We decided to put on our super speed and try that out. All I did was start walking towards the door, and I was there in about half a second. This is so cool. I opened it and we all sped off to the great hall. Before we walked in, I said to them, ok, Marci and Felicity, you guys walk through the walls and a few tables and then go back to your normal selves and sit down, just to freak everyone out, while Lydia and I will turn invisible and go and sit down and start eating and then everyone will be confused because food will just be disappearing into thin air. I instructed and laughed at the thought.

That is exactly what we did. Lydia and I went first so we could watch the other two and everyones reaction. We sat down and looked around. They both came from the wall behind the teachers and then walked straight through the teachers table right next to the headmistress. I looked at everyones faces and they were priceless. Marci walked through the middle of the Gryffindor table and walked out at about halfway, I noticed her become a bit clearer and she just sat down and began eating as if nothing had happened. Felicity did the exact same thing.

I then noticed that at the end of the Slytherin table, food was disappearing slowly, so I decided it was my turn. I grabbed a piece of steak and some salad and put it on my plate. A few people noticed and looked at it, rubbed their eyes and looked again to see if they were seeing things. I started to eat the salad. You are probably wondering how I am doing this if I am invisible, well, I can see myself but the others cant see me. I continued eating and once the dessert came around I began eating some caramel cheese cake. Once everyone had finished, I noticed most of the Ravenclaw table was looking my way, so I decided to turn back to myself. I then put on my passing through objects power, stood up, and walked straight through the middle of the table, passed through Brianna who was at the end of the table, closest to the wall, and walked through that and back to my common room.

As soon as I entered I turned my power off, fell onto a lounge and began cracking myself laughing. I saw a bunch of Ravenclaws enter and look at me weirdly. Oh well. Fred and Lucy came up to me and said, That was AWESOME! How did you do that? I felt my hair and eyes turn magenta, light purple and emerald green, and just handed them the metamorphmagis book and told them to turn to the page with the orange flag. They did just that and read it and both just replied with AWESOME! Fred then said, This could come in handy with pranks and mischief making, would you like to help? I told him I would, but not all the time, and nothing that will get me siriusly in trouble, I mean, I dont want him to get me killed or worse, expelled, now do I?

Lucy and I said good night to him and headed up to bed. I did my usual night routine, wearing the same PJs I had on the night before, and sat in my bed checking my phone and writing in my diary. I then read a bit of one of the library books I had picked up and when I was a quarter of the way in, I decided it was time to feed Scarlett and get to sleep.

Ok so yeah, sorry for any confusion I am probably causing. Thank you for reading.



Word count: 1653

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