Part 41

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As expected I see Mr Hendricks behind his desk. Not expected was Mr McCoy standing behind him. I haven't seen them both since registration. I look between them like a deer in the headlights of a car.

"Please sit Miss Sorenson." Mr Hendricks nods to the chair opposite him. I quickly take a seat. He leans forward and rests his elbows on top of the desk, and looks at me over his joined hands.

"How are you?" He asks. My eyes flicker from him to Mr McCoy, deciding how to answer the question.

"Good, I guess." I reply. He gives me an obviously bogus smile.

"Good. That's good." The room goes silent and I begin to fiddle with my hands in my lap. I make sure that my sleeves are covering the marks on my wrists.

"Can I ask Sir, why you called me here?" I inquire.

"Well, I want to know, if you're 'good' why haven't you been in school?" He asks. I bite my lip. "Were you at the Academy?" He asks. A confused expression comes onto my face.

"Do you think we wouldn't find out?" Mr McCoy says stepping forward, causing me to jump slightly.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about." I tell them.

"Do you know it's an offense to not to come to school?" Mr McCoy asks, coming around Mr Hendrick's desk. I shift in the seat so I am further away from him. "It could cause serious repercussions. You don't want that do you?" He says, smiling at my worry and discomfort. The threat in his tone is clear. I look to the door, wanting to get out of here.

"Miss Sorenson, all you have to do is tell us what you know about the Academy, and we will make sure your grades are good and the attendance won't matter." Mr Hendricks offers. Mr McCoy is now standing beside me, looking intently down at me. I'm saved from answering when the door bursts open.

"Finally. I've found you. I'm starting to think you're avoiding me Mr Hendricks." Dr Green's voice says, with a hint of playfulness. I let out a sigh of relief. Mr Hendricks clears his throat, looking to me.

"Oh, you have company." Dr Green fakes surprise, looking to me. He studies my face, before looking back to Mr Hendricks, anger clear in his eyes. I could tell from when he stepped foot in the office he was angry.

"She looks petrified, what have you been saying to her?" Dr Green asks.

"That is of no matter to you."

"It is when a student looks like she's being threatened or blackmailed." Dr Green replies in a tone that could put Mr Blackbourne's to shame.

"We were just having a civil conversation, weren't we Miss Sorenson?" Mr Hendricks says to Dr Green, smiling smugly.

"Miss Sorenson, the bell will be going any minute, we don't want you missing anymore lessons." Dr Green tells me, his expression softening when he sees me not as scared as I was. I nod, quickly getting up and leaving. As I run towards the hall, a hand on my arm stops me. I spin around expecting the worse, but relax when I see Mr Blackbourne.

"Miss Sorenson, are you OK?" He asks, concerned. He looks at my eyes before he then pulls me down the other hall and into his office. As soon as the door closes I start to shake.

"You did very well, Miss Sorenson." Mr Blackbourne reassures. I feel better at hearing my mate's approval. He tenderly touches my arm, giving me comfort. A minute later Dr Green walks into the room. When he sees me, my shaking considerably less, he strides over and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, especially after everything else happening." He murmurs. I pull back.

"You weren't the one to call me in." I tell him. He sighs and brings me closer again.

"We need to get out of this school as fast as we can." Dr Green says over my head to Mr Blackbourne. Mr Blackbourne agrees with him as the bell rings, like Dr Green said it would.

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