Part 32

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Muriel looks around at us all, giving a small evil grin.

"Look at that, we're all awake." She says to my step mother. I keep my mouth shut, letting the boys do the talking.

"What do you want? Why do this?" Mr Blackbourne asks in a cold voice.

"What we want is you, and your kind, gone from the face of the earth." Muriel replies.

"Who are we? Is it just you two?" The way the questions were phrased meant that even if they didn't answer they would give away information. My step mom was about to answer when Muriel shot her a look, it was weird seeing my mom being stopped by someone younger than her. The door opened again at this point and a person in a white mask came down. He looked around at us and then to my step mom and Muriel. I didn't know whether he was on our side or theirs.

"What is going on here?" He asks angrily, in his mechanical voice. A small glimmer of hope rises in my chest, maybe he is on our side. "I told you to leave them and not to come down." He says to my step mom and Muriel. The glimmer of hope is suddenly gone.

"I want to talk to you both upstairs." He says. They do as he says, the masked man following. I shrink back into the wall. What will happen to us? I want to curl up into a ball but the chains stop me, knowing that if I move they will get worse. I get lost in my own mind. I had that dream with the masked man, he had killed my mother, was he going to kill me now. I start to panic, my breathing getting shorter.

"We need to get out of here, now." Nathan tells the room.

"We need to get out of the chains and escape the basement first, and then we still have to get out of the house. I doubt any of us could shift, and we would be weaker than usual." Kota says. Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green shoot each other a glance.

"We know that there are three of them, and that they won't be able to defend themselves very well, getting out would be the easy part, we can hide out somewhere else for a while. The hard part is getting out of the chains... but..."

"But what? Do you have a plan?"

"How are the chains fastened?" Dr Green asks. Nathan looks down at my hands in front of me.

"They are only wrapped around the outside once and are fastened by one end wrapping under the other. It is the same on the legs."

"Ok, all we need to do is break the chains."

"You say it like it's fucking easy. It's going to hurt like a bitch." Gabe exclaims.

"I'll do it." Silas speaks up. "I'm probably the strongest." He says, sounding like he is stating a fact and not showing off.

"No!" I shout. It will hurt him, and his foot is still bruised.

"I'll be fine Aggele." He reassures me.

"If you are able to do it, then you will probably be better than superman." I tell him. I hear him chuckle, slightly.

"Wait! Silas, I know how we can make the pain lessen." Dr Green says. He looks towards me. "Do you think you will be able to get to him?" I nod. If it will help Silas then I will try my best. I shuffle myself towards where he sitting, and when I get close enough he leans forward. I lift my hands up and put them around his neck in awkward hug, making sure to keep the chains away from his neck. He does the same so his arms are on the outside of my body. I rest my head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. I feel the sparks coursing through my body and the pain going slightly. I feel Silas relax and then his muscles tense making them bulge. I hear Silas whimper at the pain and place a kiss at his neck, trying to calm him. Suddenly his arms are away from my body. He did it! He really is superman. I lean up and kiss his lips quickly, happy that he did it and is ok. I realise what I did and look up at him. He beams down at me. His arms go around me in a proper hug. I sigh and rest my head on his chest. When I pull back and I look down at his wrists I see deep burn like marks. He takes my chains off, wincing every so often and having to pull away. I climb of his lap and he does his the same with my legs, before doing his. I look down at my wrists and legs and see that the skin was split, and bleeding. Silas sees as well and growls. I tell him I'm OK and to start helping the others. I go to help North.

"Sang Baby, let Silas do it." He tells me.

"I can do it." I reply, determinedly

"I just don't want you to hurt yourself anymore." He says, softly. I sigh but listen to him, it takes a while but soon all of them are free. I'm passed around for hugs.

"Come on let's get out of here." Victor says. We walk quietly up the stairs and listen, waiting. We can hear talking coming from further in the house. Mr Blackbourne signals to me, and then points to North and Silas.

"Take her out first, we'll go in groups." Mr Blackbourne gives them a look and they both nod.

"We'll be right behind you." Mr Blackbourne tells me reassuringly. I nod and North takes my arm. He pulls me gently out of the door and Silas closes the door quietly behind us. I show the boys the best way to leave without alerting attention. When we get to the door I look back to see if the boys are following and see that the masked man is watching us. He doesn't move to stop us, but instead looks pleased that we left. He nods at me as if to say he'll let me go. Muriel and my step mom walk up behind him and when they see me out, they look enraged.

"They're getting away! Stop them!" Muriel screeches.

"If they're getting away then that means that the others are out of the chains. Get the gas; we'll deal with the ones left." The masked man says, his eyes hold something as he looks at me. I stop and go to turn back. North grabs me up.

"No!" I scream. "The others they'll get hurt!" I struggle against North, tears starting to fall. The masked man gives me a reassuring look, like he's telling me that he won't let them get killed, maybe he is on our side after all. Silas grabs my legs and they both leave, with me in the air. The run towards the car and they throw me gently into the back. I get what the look was that Mr Blackbourne shared with them was now. Leave without us if there is trouble. I let out a howl of anguish as the car engine starts. We speed out of Sunnyvale Court, leaving the rest of them to fend for themselves.

There you go! Sorry for the wait I was reading the new book, when I would have been writing. What did you think of it? I really enjoyed it! :)

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