Gabe's POV

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I will always be grateful that Luke talked me into throwing water onto 'Kota' that day. We were working at the diner with North, North had to go on an academy mission and we were going to go over to Kota's before we went over to Nathan's for a pool party. Luke thought it would be funny to wake him up with buckets of water. We grabbed buckets and filled them with water at the diner. We had to take North's bike, so I had to sit on the back holding two buckets of water looking like a fucking idiot trying not to let any water escape. When we both sneaked up the stairs, not thinking to look to see if he was awake, we saw a bundle in the middle of the bed. We both laughed quietly. We pulled back the covers and splashed 'Kota' with the water in the buckets.

FUCKING SHIT! That's not Kota. I said to Luke in our pack link. I looked down and saw this fucking beautiful girl with this amazing hair that I just wanted to style.

MATE! My wolf said. She didn't say anything and just stared at us. She obviously didn't know.

"Do you think she talks?" Luke asks me. I was about to answer when Kota came up the stairs. He looked to the girl in the bed then us with buckets in our hands.

"Who the fuck is this and why is she in your bed?" I ask him angry that my mate is in his bed.

This is my mate Sang, she was going to run away last night. He said through our pack link.

No, she is my fucking mate. I reply.

No, she's mine. Luke says. Oh, great another person who thinks she is his fucking mate. I will never be able to compare to anyone else if she is all our mates. I'm not smart, I haven't got money, I'm not as strong and sporty.

Is she all of ours? I mean like all nine of ours. I ask.

Maybe. Kota replies.

I don't think she knows she is ours so don't tell her until we talk to Doctor Green. Kota adds.

Kota asks her if she has any clothes and we go downstairs while she changes. Erica greets us both with a smile. Jessica is sat at the table and gives us a timid smile when she sees us. Kota tells everyone about her and if they meet her to not let on to her about being her mate. She is fucking perfect and I can't wait to get my hands on her hair. I look over to my best friend to see he is in one of his daydreams. I kick him under the table and he jolts out of it and gives me a grin. I was about to reply when my wolf went crazy. I turned to the doorway and saw Sang. Erica introduced herself and Jessica. When she told her our names I could see a fucking cute expression come onto her face. I held up one finger letting her know I'm Gabe. Luke caught on and did the same. We finished breakfast and went outside. She was walking back to her house, and our wolves didn't like that she was walking away from us so I shouted to her asking if she would like to come to the pool party we were having. She agreed.

When the doorbell rang Nathan went to answer it. A minute later he hadn't come back.

"Nathan who's at the door?" I shout to him.

"A girl." Probably Sang. I introduced them both.

Is she your mate as well? I ask him.

Yeah. We go out to the pool and Luke and I introduce ourselves properly. Luke looks at me over her head.

Throw her in the pool? He asks.

Fuck yeah!

"One!" He says.

"Two!" I continue.

"Three!" he finishes. We throw her through the air into the pool. The rest of the afternoon we play around in the pool, and we learnt that our mate cheats at races.

We were having a meeting when she was getting changed.

"OK, she obviously doesn't know about us all being mates with her, so no one will talk to her about it until we get the chance to talk to Dr Green about it. I don't want to introduce them too soon."

"Are you sure she is a shifter?"

"Yes I am sure she is like us, you should have seen her when the burger caught alight, her eyes changed to a golden yellow." North said.

"Yeah that happened last night." Kota agreed. We all heard a feminine gasp and footsteps running out of the door. We all stood up and ran after her. We all followed her in the woods. We strapped our clothes to our legs and then shifted. We ran after her. When we got near her, we slowed down so she wouldn't get scared. Her wolf was fucking beautiful. We were being quiet but she heard us and shot off again. When he could, North tackled her. We surrounded her and Kota introduced her to our wolves after she changed back. Victor called Dr Green and when we got back he had to open his fucking mouth without thinking. We learnt that her mother was being a bitch and giving her a drug that controlled her wolf. Then at registration we saw those marks on her skin. Two words that explained my thoughts that day. FUCKING SHIT! Her mother wouldn't lay another fucking finger on her.

The Friday before school started we had a sleepover. My wolf was excited all day. When she stepped into the living room. My fucking world stopped. I could smell her. Oranges. Fucking perfect! The sparks felt amazing. We played Xbox and she was cheating, tickling Luke. I was gaining on Jessica's car when I heard Sang's voice shout my name in my head. Fuck I think I shit myself. Jessica won. I looked to Luke and could see he had a plan. We blocked her out of our minds and planned our revenge. We both jumped up and ran after her. We let her get away and hid in a closet and planned our actual revenge. (A/N: I don't know what they are going to do yet, so if you have any ideas on what they could do then let me know.) North interrupted our planning by telling us dinner was ready. I wasn't going to miss Trouble's cooking! We were all awoken in the night by Trouble's growls and whimpers. When she showed us her dream we all let out a growl when the woman turned her gun to Trouble.

"SHIT!" I exclaim out loud. She left a while later. The weekend went by slowly. I felt empty the day before school but I brushed it off thinking it was because I hadn't seen my Trouble.

This morning when she did arrive, she wouldn't let anyone touch her. All I wanted to do was touch her and smell her scent. The lessons went by with her talking to no one and looking miserable like a baby that had lost her favorite toy. I still had the feeling like I was missing something. It was fourth period when Victor told us something that made my world stop. Sang had collapsed and her eyes were the color of her wolf's. I didn't care that the fucking rules said I couldn't leave class, but I did anyway. My mate could be injured, or worse. I can't fucking lose her, like my family. My wolf wanted to surface and go and hunt down the person who did this. I bet it was her fucking mother. Kota said that they were taking her to Dr Green's office. I ran to his office and burst through the door. I was the first person there. Everyone else arrived soon after. We heard footsteps in the hall and the North came bursting through the door with an unconscious Trouble in his arms. NO! I couldn't lose her like my family. My breathing became shallow. I felt someone push me down into a chair and put my head between my knees. I'm an awful mate, I have nothing to give her like money or strength or being smart. Even worse was that I couldn't protect her. I have failed.

Here you go! Hope you like it! I will try and move it on from the boys POVs quickly so we can continue with the story. I am currently writing another Original Reverse Harem story called 8 Boys 3 Words 1 Girl. So if you want, check it out. I will hopefully get into a schedule of updates. This should be updated every Wednesday. If not on Wednesday I will update later in the week.

CC ;)

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