Part 47

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Sensing my thoughts, Dr. Green's arms instantaneously surround me, holding me back from running to the aid of my mates. I let out a low growl as I fight against Dr. Green, as my protective instincts over my mates kick in. I try to reach out for them, but only get walls. I'm fed up on always being this side of the wall. I am never allowed into their minds when something is happening.

"Pookie..." he starts trying to calm me. When I ignore him, and continue to fight, he raises his voice as he repeats himself. I pause waiting to see what he has to say. "Pookie! That was Owen growling..." Part of me is relieved that it's one of the guys, and that they are here, but the main feeling I have is dread. It can only be bad.

"They must be in trouble then," I turn around so I can see Dr. Green's face. "Please Sean, can't we go and help?" I see his eyes soften, and I plead silently with him. He sighs, and closes his eyes as if battling with himself.

"Sang, if you were to get hurt..." he starts not wanting to think about it. "We don't even know what the threat is."

"I'll be safe. There are 9 of you," I counter. I see his argument crumple, and I can see his own concern and worry shine through. His grip around me loosens, as he looks off into the distance hoping he made the right decision.

"Fine," he finally grits out. "You are not to leave my side. We will also not be shifting," he continues looking me straight in the eyes, so I know he's serious. I nod. He has a sceptical look for a moment longer before he pushes me forwards, and out of the house, closing the door behind us. I slip my shoes off, finding it easier to run barefoot than in my sandals. Dr Green starts up at a quick pace, and I closely follow behind. It takes us just under a minute to get the edge of the trees, before we are dodging through the trees. I follow Dr Green who is following the collective scent of the others. My mind zooms through all the possibilities of why Mr. Blackbourne, Kota, Nathan, and Gabriel are all running through the woods. Is it even all of them? Has something happened to one of them? My heart hurts at just the thought. I nearly slam into Dr Green's back as he pauses before me, tilting his head towards the direction of the breeze. Suddenly eight wolves are blocking the way forward. My shock and fright, is immediately forgotten when I see that the wolves all belong to my mates. I look them all over, looking for injuries, but am relieved when I see them all present and whole, without a scratch.

Mr Blackbourne's grey wolf, Rector, sends a steely look at Sean before looking at me, letting out a growl. I can tell what he's saying, even without the window into his mind. What is she doing here? I cross my arms when I look around and see the others are hold similar expressions, returning the steely gaze.

"I can look after myself." I tell them looking at them individually. West, North's black wolf, isn't looking towards me, as he's looking back the way they came, but I can tell he's unhappy about it also. I notice that Nathan is also looking back the way they came. They were being followed.

"What happened?" I ask them, looking to Dr. Green who looked like he was communicating with one of them. He surveys the group, before looking at me.

"They were being tailed in the car, so they decided to ditch it and do the rest on foot, well paws. They think that whoever was following them still is on their tail."

"Was it the guy in the mask? Muriel? My step mom?" I ask bombarding them with names. Kota's wolf, Pi, shakes his head, before looking directly at me.

"We don't know," he lets me know. They exchange looks before looking back at me. "It's probably something to do with the Academy." A smile comes onto my lips, they're starting to trust me with more details about what they do. The insecure part of me pipes up telling me that they've been vague. I try to push it away, thinking at least it's something, but it stays at the back of my mind telling me I don't know a lot about them. A growl brings me back to the present. I look around and see that West's hairs are raised as he surveys the gaps in the trees.

"We need to get out of here." North's voice says.

"What is it?" Mr. Blackbourne demands. I see that Lykos and Pi are making their way closer to me, ready to protect me if needed to.

"I can hear something-" he gets cut off when I let out a cry as I'm tackled from the back. I twist, in the air so I can see who's attacking me. I don't recognise the wolf on top of me, but his eyes are fierce and look deadly. His fur looks scraggly. I try to push him off, but his teeth snap near my face, and I feel one scratch down my face. I scream, as I feel blood start to trail down my cheek. I try to shift to defend myself but I can't with the weight of the wolf on top of me. If I forced myself, I would most likely break my bones.

Seconds later the wolf is tackled off me. I push myself away from the struggling wolves and up into a sitting position. I lift my hand up to my cheek. Dr Green comes running over, and pulls my hand down.

"This is why I didn't want to come," he tells me annoyed. I know he's annoyed with himself, but I look down. He pushes my head up and looks at my cheek.

"It's not that bad," Dr Green continues. I only realize that Gabriel has shifted and put some pants on, when he kneels down beside me.

"No! Not Trouble's beautiful face. I don't want to put make up on her." He says disappointed, with a pout.

I am extremely sorry for the long wait, I have had a really busy week with writing two parts for one of my other books which had to be up before tomorrow, and it was also my birthday last weekend, so I didn't really get much writing done as I had plans. The next part should not be as long. I had planned to get it up earlier this week, so I'm sorry that I couldn't.

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CC ;)

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