Part 8

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I was frozen in shock. His lips were soft and demanding, moving over mine. I tried to get my lips to respond but they wouldn't move.

Respond already! Melody tells me. This pulls me out of my daze. 

I didn't know what to do so I tried to copy what he was doing. When his lips moved, my lips moved. My hands were hanging by side doing nothing, and I didn't know what to do with them so I lifted them to his hair pulling slightly; I earned a half groan, half growl for doing this. His hands on my face were cradling it like a piece of fine china. I forgot what was happening around me, all I needed was my mate kissing me. I moaned at the sparks that were coursing through my body. I pushed my body closer to his, wanting more. The kiss soon became fierce and passionate, his tongue touched my bottom lip asking for, no not asking, more like demanding, entrance. I hesitantly opened my mouth, unsure what to do, not wanting the kiss to stop, but I wasn't going to find out. A cough from one of the boys jolted us out of our little bubble. I pulled away and looked up into his eyes breathing heavily.

"Owen, you will always be my strong and perfect leader. You may be the leader but there was nothing you could have done to stop it, it was bound to happen, if not this week at some point." I say. "Always remember that Rector." I whisper to him, he growls and pulls me closer sniffing my neck. I turn to the boys and see they are looking on at us with shocked look on their faces, with a spark of something else in their eyes I couldn't decipher. They were all shifting as if their trousers were too small for them.

"Are you guys OK? Are your trousers too small?" I ask. The guys just look at me with a mixed look on their face.

"Πάω να κάνω Gabe κάνει κάποιες παντελόνι με ένα μεγαλύτερο καβάλο, για όταν είμαι γύρω άγγελε (I'm going to make Gabe make some pants with a bigger crotch for when I'm around aggele)." Silas mutters. North hits him over the head but agrees. I heard his nickname for me and Gabe's name. So did Gabe.

"Hey I heard you talking about me fucker. Go on tell me what you said!"

"I'll tell you later." He answers.

"Damn right you will." Gabe replies.

"We're fine Sang we just need a cold shower, a very cold shower." Sean says to me. All the boys mutter their agreement.

"Oh, OK, as long as you are not hurt." I say.

"OK, Owen will you let me look over my patient?" Sean asks. Owen lets me go after a couple of seconds, with a bit of persuasion from me.

"OK, Pookie hope up onto the bed for me." He says patting the bed.

"Pookie?" I giggle.

"Yes Pookie. It's cute like you." I blush. "Now stop laughing, do you want me to poke you in the eye?" he asks.

"Why would you poke me in the eye?"

"I need to look in your eyes and if I'm laughing I won't have a steady hand. You should have seen me when I had to operate on North. He was lucky to he didn't come out of the operation with a couple of wonky scars, because I was laughing from a joke my wolf told me." He said winking at me. I giggled imagining him operating on North, laughing causing the scalpel to wobble when he was cutting him open. North wasn't laughing; he was staring daggers at Sean.

"Ok I need to be serious now; Doctor Mode activate!" He half shouted with a serious face. I tried to keep my giggles in but a couple burst out of my lips. After that I couldn't stop myself and I was laughing so hard it felt like my sides would split open. This set the other boys off. Sean was trying to keep a straight face, but was failing miserably. He would laugh then try to get his serious face back on and then he would laugh again, the cycle kept going around like this. I could see Mr Blackbourne's millimetre smile was on his lips. We were all interrupted our laughing session by a knock on the door. The door opened to reveal an older man with white hair and age spotted cheeks. His eyes were sparkling with kindness and amusement.

"What do we have here? Sean how many times do I have to say this, you shouldn't laugh while doing an important job like a doctor." He says winking towards me. Sean's face turns to one of indignation, whilst pointing at me.

"I... I... I didn't start it blame her she was the one that started it." He accused. I giggled.

"I think I better check her over, don't want you laughing while checking her over and messing the job up! Is that OK with you? I even have some candy for you if you are a good girl." he says turning to me, smiling a kind smile. I nod my head, if Sean and the boys trust him, I do.

"The name is Dr Phillip Roberts, and you are?"

"Sang Sorenson." I reply.

"Well Sang, can I have a look in your eyes?"

A/N: There you are! I hope you liked it! 

I am most likely going to do a third person's POV so you can see what was happening with the boys, while she was unconscious, It means it will be easier on both of us, rather than writing/reading the same scene, you can see all their reactions in one and I don't have to rewrite the same thing over and over again! The other boys POVs on meeting her will be later in the book.

Thanks for the reads, comments and votes.

CC ;)

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