Part 6

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It's the Sunday before school starts and I'm up in my room reading when I hear my mom call up the stairs.


I stand up and head downstairs to my mom in the kitchen.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"YOU STOLE MONEY FROM MY PURSE! I WOULD THINK THAT YOU WOULD HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FROM THE MEN THAT YOU GET PAID TO SLEEP WITH!" She shouts at me. Melody growls at her. I try to stop the growl from leaving my own lips but I fail.

"DON'T GROWL AT ME YOU FREAK!" I quickly put a wall up from my boys, knowing I will be punished. She grabs me by the hair and drags me to the hallway. She opens the door to the closet and grabs some things I can't see. She pushes me onto the floor. She ties my hands and legs together in the silver chains. I hear her footsteps walk toward her room and am glad that is all I get. But I am quickly proven wrong when I can hear her walking back towards where I am. She kicks me before leaning down. I feel a prick in my arm.

"Everyone will know the true you now!" I hear before I fall into the dark abyss of unconsciousness.

The next time I open my eyes, the change of light in the sky indicates that I have been unaware of the world for a while. I am still on the floor in the hallway tied up. I hear footsteps coming towards me and see my dad standing over me. He grabs some gloves and unties me.

"Go to your room." He tells me before walking off. The silver chains have left deep cuts in my arms and legs. I stagger up the stairs and end up crawling the rest of the way. I still keep the wall up between me and the boys. I crawl to the window and look out to Kota's; they had been there all day. It comforted me and Melody to see they were near. In the reflection of the window I see my eyes have changed. That's weird. I try to talk to Melody and get no response. The injection! My mom gave me the drug in the injection! I try to contact the boys and feel no connection or response. I crawl to my bed and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up and look at the time. I have 15 minutes before I have to face the boys. I quickly get up and get ready making sure to cover the cuts I bandaged. I also grabbed a pair of sunglasses to cover my eyes. I am about to walk out of the house when my mom stops me. She thrusts a glass to me.

"Drink." I shake my head saying nothing. She pushes it to my mouth hard, splitting my lip.

"I said drink!" I open my mouth reluctantly and she tips it until it has all gone. Whatever it was made Melody even closer to the surface. Anything that would make a little bit too emotional would make me shift. I run around her and out of the house. I put my sunglasses on and run down to Kota's. I lifted my hand to knock on the door when it opened revealing Kota and Nathan. They go to hug me, but I pull back and walk to Kota's car. They will feel that there is no spark. I sit in the passenger seat and watch the surroundings not looking at them.

When we pull into the school I jump out and walk to the courtyard where we said we would meet. When I got there the other boys were there. I sit on the ground in the middle of them, not looking at any of them, knowing I will shift if I look at them as the emotions would be too much.

"What's wrong with her?" Victor asks Kota.

"She was like this when she came over this morning. She wouldn't let us touch her."

"Sang Baby? Why are you wearing sunglasses?" he says reaching for me. I pull back from him. His face turns to one of pain.

"They don't even go with your outfit!" Gabe exclaims.

"Aggelle, please tell us." I could feel my emotions rising and tried to calm myself down quickly. I was thankfully saved by the bell. I shot up and made my way to homeroom. The classes went by quickly with me ignoring the boys as much as I could. The class with Mr. Blackbourne I was worried about, but he was called to the office and I was left in his office for the whole period. I was now sat in the class before lunch and was feeling a bit weird. Mr Morris had told us to work in groups and answer the questions Victor was sat in between mine and North's desk and I was turned around talking to them when I collapsed onto the floor.

"Sang Baby!"

"Princess!" They both crowded around me along with other students.

"Back the fuck up!" North shouted at them causing them all to step back. Victor took my sunglasses off.

"Um, North!" He shouts over his shoulder. North gasps.

"Have they been like that all day?" He asks me standing over me so other students couldn't see. I manage to nod before the darkness overwhelms me the second time in 24 hours.

A/N: Here you go! Hope you like it! I cannot believe how many people have read and voted on this nearly 1000 reads! I'm thinking of doing the next parts in the other boys P.O.Vs. Let me know if you want this and if you have any requests on which P.O.Vs I should do. I will try and get it up soon.


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