Part 50

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Before I get into the part, I would just like to say a massive apology for the very long wait! I am very sorry! If you read any of my other books, or follow me, you will already know that my book Hades' Daughter was published in August (which was/is super exciting) and I have been busy with that leading up to it, and ever since I have been busier than expected, but also have found it hard to get back into the sort of routine I had before it was broken by the publishing process. If you are interested in reading the published book, you can find it on Amazon.

Now, to get into the long awaited part!

I breathe in and hold my breath there, feeling the nerves at what we are about to do rising. I flick my gaze to the mirror, and meet Kota's eyes in the driving seat. He gives me a reassuring smile.

Everything will be fine; we'll be ready to jump in if things go badly. Victor squeezes my hand beside me. Silas is looking out of the window, his hand clenched beside my thigh.

"You want me to go over it again?" Victor asks. I press my lips together, and shake my head. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I say quietly.

"We don't have to do this, we could turn around right now," Nathan says from the front.

"No, he said that he could stop everything. My step-mom would leave us alone, and we would be able to live a normal life. You would be able to go home to your families, not worrying about me."

"We will never, not worry about you," Nathan says.

The car rolls to a stop, along with North's behind us. Silas opens the door, getting out, before reaching back in for my hand.

"Thanks," I say quietly. I lift my hand to rest on my lip as I watch the others get out of the cars. Once they have all crowded around, the air is tense and silent. I clear my throat before trying to put conviction in my voice.

"I'll be fine, you guys will be with me. I trust you."

"Mr. Coleman," Mr. Blackbourne prompts. Gabe steps toward me, giving me a forced smile.

"Let's get you looking suitably distressed," he says, trying to make his tone light. He strokes his fingers through my hair, scrunching it as he goes. Once he's done he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small palette and brush. They stopped on the way here, but with North driving they were able to make up the time. Gabe directs me on what he wants me to do, as he brushes under my eyes with a pink, smudging it with his finger. After he has finished, he holds up a small plastic bottle.

"It's water. When you get closer put a couple of drops into your eyes, and it should give the look that you have been crying just in case he is watching us before you meet him," Gabe instructs. He studies my face. "Don't let him get too close and I think we'll be alright." He moves out of the way, allowing the others to see his work.

"Well done, Mr. Coleman. Miss Sorenson, are you ready? Remember stick to the truth as much as you can." I nod.

I hug each of the boys, before turning and looking in the direction that I have to go. I breathe in deeply again, looking over my shoulder at them all, before turning and walking towards the diner. The boys wouldn't agree to the man who was following them earlier to drive me, and thought that the man in the mask would get suspicious if they were to drive me all the way. So that leaves me where I am now – walking the final stretch of the journey. I know I need to act just as distressed as I look, otherwise Gabe's work would have gone to waste. I start to focus on the feeling of leaving my mates behind, and try to amplify it, but when they enter my mind, they feelings go. I guess I will just have to act, and hope he believes me.

I stop when I see the diner come looming into view. I take the lid off the bottle that Gabe gave me, and lift up to my eyes. I squeeze the bottle and a drop falls from it. I blink a couple of times, feeling my wet eyelashes brush against my cheek. I do the same for the other eye, blinking a couple of times again. It felt alien to drop water in my eyes. I push the bottle in my pocket, and try to gather the confidence to go through with this.

We're here Pookie. With that reassurance I start at a jog towards the woods behind the diner. I push through the trees, watching out for a white mask. I get to where I found the message earlier and stop. Remembering to stay distressed I look around frantically.

"Hello?" I say, the nerves making my voice waiver. "I came. I need your help." I wait, listening. There is a rustling behind me, but nothing happens. He's here but is staying hidden for now. He's probably checking that I came alone.

Go. I say to the boys through our bond. With North at the wheel, it's not long before I hear screeching tyres, and doors opening.

"Sang Baby!" he yells. I force myself to stay "in distress" and to not run over to them, and leave the woods.

"Please just leave me alone!" I shout feebly back.

"Please, Sang, we're sorry you had to see that," Kota says stepping forward, and the emotion I see in his eyes has me stunned. He looks heartbroken. I look around and see that all of them hold the same expression. These boys are good. At seeing them like this, I feel myself break down into tears. I see them falter slightly at my tears, and they look like they are going to end our plan. I shake my head at them, telling them I'm fine with my eyes, but out loud I accompany it with one word that hopefully has the man in the woods behind me joining the two together.

"Please," I plead with them. I pause, not wanting to say what I need to next. "I don't want to do this anymore." In my head I add on to the end of my statement, so that the boys can hear it and I don't feel like I mean it.

I just want to live our lives together in peace. North steps forward and grabs at my arm. There are shouts from the boys to be gentle with me, but North's grip is only light.

Me too, Sang Baby.

"No," he says forcefully out loud. "You're coming with us." If I didn't know that he was putting it on, I would be wetting myself in fear. I wrench my arm out of his hand, stopping the sparks and comfort I was feeling, and step back from him. This causes more tears to leave me. I just want to be in his arms, and away from here. I don't need Gabe's water anymore. I feel the distress coming from all of my boys at the action, but most of all Gabe. I look to him and see that Luke has his hand on his shoulder, looking consoling, but I know that he is holding him back. I send him a small smile, making sure it wouldn't be seen by the woods. He looks my face over, before his eyes widen.

The makeup's smudging. I told you fuckers we shouldn't have done it.

I lift my hands up and wipe under my eyes. When I bring my hands back down, I see my fingertips are pink.

"Please. Just leave," I say, remembering that we had a plan. The boys all exchange a look before turning and walking back to their cars. I hear mumbles from them as they complain about it.

I wait until they have disappeared and turn back to the woods. I walk back in.

"Please. I know you're there. They're going to stay near, and I want your help," I say as planned, forcing as much as distress as I can into my voice.

"Sang," he states in the mechanical voice as the white mask emerges from between the trees.

Here you go!

Again sorry for the long wait!

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CC ;)

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