Part 19

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I wrote this on my phone, so point out any mistakes I or autocorrect could have done. :)

I don't know how long I've sat here but I've been here a while as my surroundings are getting lighter. My feet are getting numb, but I still sit here. I hear a commotion behind me in the house and hear shouts. I don't react knowing eventually they'll find me, and I'm right. No longer than 5 seconds after I had that thought, I heard Silas call back into the house that he has found me. I don't turn around I just continue staring off into the woods.

"Aggele?" He asks tentatively. When I don't move or answer he comes and sits down beside me. My gentle and quiet giant just sits beside me and looks out into the woods with me. I can smell the other boys' scents joining Silas' in the air.
"Sang, sweetie, are you hungry?" Luke speaks up behind me. I don't reply.
"Miss Sorenson it's Wednesday (I know it's going really slow, just tell me if you think it's going too slow and I'll try and speed it up a bit. ;) ) so school should be today, but I don't think you are in any state to go." He says.

"Fuck yeah! No school!" Gabe shouts high-fiving someone.

"No. Mr Coleman you and the others will be going to school. Mr Morgan take Miss Sorenson to yours and stay with her. We have missed enough of school, it's the third day and we have only been there for one of those days." Mr Blackbourne explains. The boys all start to complain about leaving me but they all suddenly quiet down when Mr Blackbourne says in a commanding tone to be quiet.

"Pookie, you need to eat something, what would you like?" He asks. I don't reply.

"What about chocolate chip pancakes?" Kota suggests. I hear Luke cheer and North grumble something about fruit, and chocolate not being good for breakfast. A big comforting hand comes down onto my leg and squeezes it. The sparks from the mate bond calm me, but not enough to get me out of the state of mind I'm in.

Happy Halloween! I'm sorry it's short and not up to standards, I have a bit of writers block so any suggestions will be welcomed with open arms. ;)

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CC ;)

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