Dr Green's POV

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Dr Green's POV.

When Pookie ran out on all of us, telling us she wouldn't choose I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I've not known her for long but when I first saw her was the best day of my life. The short amount of time we have known her has been eventful, and many times I have had to stop myself from going over to her house to use my doctor skills to kill her mother the slowest and most painful way possible. We had just finished a mission, which meant we had to have no contact with Sang at all, and I desperately wanted to go and relax with her and smell her intoxicating scent, cherry blossom. Owen had just finished shooting the pictures the Academy wanted, and we had changed back, when Owen started to talk about how we were going make Sang comfortable with this relationship. When Owen was starting to talk about how we were all going to tell her we love her, without scaring her off, Sang came running into the room with tears streaming down her face, saying something about not wanting to choose. We all look at each other and then look back to her to explain, but she's already gone. We all shoot up quickly and run out of the house; we see her get to the side of the woods and take her clothes off before shifting into her beautiful wolf and running into the trees. We all quickly run to where we last saw her.

"Mr Taylor Senior, as you're the best tracker, at the front." Owen commands before shifting not caring about his clothes. We all quickly follow. Luke runs ahead and starts to track our beautiful mate. We run for about 5 minutes, every so often trying to get in touch with her, before Luke stops where he is and tips his head back to sniff the air. He tilts his head to the side.

"Her trail gets weaker here. I think she went into the river." He says through the link. I sniff the air and just like he said, I can't smell her anymore. We decide to enter the river and run down it for a while until her smell gets stronger. We've ran for 2 minutes down the river and her scent is nearly impossible to smell. We're all getting aggravated, and North keeps growling, I stay clear of him when he's like this, I'll get my throat ripped out for just 'breathing wrong'. Trust me, it nearly happened once.

Owen turned around to us.

"Split up. See if we can find her scent." I step out of the river and run off into the woods. We systematically search the woods and come up empty after searching for 10 minutes. Owen tells us all to go back to Kota's and wait until she cools off and contacts us. I turn around and run back towards the way I came. Suddenly I hear Sang's voice in my head.

"HELP! PLEASE!" She shouts.

"Pookie..." I start but am interrupted by a very loud North.


I don't know. She whimpers back. I don't hesitate and enter her mind. I can feel some of my other brothers there as well. She's on the side of a road looking into a car, with a man in a white mask at the wheel. She sighs and then does something stupid and gets in. I exit her mind and run faster than I was before back the way I came. We all arrive at the edge of the woods, seconds between each other. I then realise we have no clothes, as my brothers do at the same time.

"Well fuck, what are we going to do?" Gabe asks. I look to Owen and see that he has come to the same conclusion as me. There would be fewer questions if 9 naked men ran across the road than 9 massive wolves.

I look at Owen and give him a look of 'you're telling them not me'.

"Ok, boys we're going to have to change back and run to Mr Lee's house."

The boys look at each other and then to the ground.

"If it means we get Trouble back, then I don't care who see's my awesome butt." Gabe says with confidence, but I can hear the insecurities in his voice. Even in their wolf forms Kota and Victor blush. We all shift back at the same time and look at each other and laugh. Even Owen cracks a smile.

"Well let's get this shit over with!" Gabe exclaims. We pick up the mobiles on the floor and all walk to the edge of the woods and look down the road. Luckily no one is around. I cover Dr Green Junior with both of my hands and see the others doing the same, that is except for Luke and Silas who didn't care. Silas ran out first with us all following. I looked back to see Luke loving it and literally skipping, that is until North hits him over the head.

Silas ran to Kota's door and opened it running in and up the stairs to Kota's room. We all followed and got changed as quickly as we could.

Once we were all changed we ran back down the stairs and out to our cars.

"Sean, try and make contact with Miss Sorenson, someone call to the other car and be on speaker phone, so we know what is happening. Mr Taylor Jr. You drive one car and Mr Morgan you drive your car. Move out." Owen orders before getting into the car North is driving. I follow with Silas. Silas get's into the front with North and I go and sit with Owen. I sit back in my seat and enter Pookie's mind relaying everything that is said to everyone else.

"Ok Pookie?" I ask.

"I've been worse." She replies. I wince at the memories of her lying on the bed lifeless.

"Don't remind me." I sigh. "So Pookie, do you care to explain to me why you got into a stranger's car?" I ask.

"He said he wouldn't hurt me." She replies.

"Don't you know that's what all serial killers say to their victims?" I reply.

"I was worried that if I didn't then he would hurt me then. I was also tired of walking and running and by the time you all came it would be too late." I sigh, if only she knew we were closing in on her.

"OK Pookie, as much as I love talking to you, I need you to act normal and you can't do that while talking to me, I'm not going anywhere I will be here looking through your eyes the whole time. We're on our way." I say. I look around at and see where they are.

"North, get onto the freeway." I tell him. All I get in response is a grunt. I pull out of Sang's mind to see how far away we are from her. The cars are a blur; I don't understand how he can see what's around him. He goes to cut across the lane to pull off onto the freeway when a car comes rushing up, looking like it's going to hit us.

"NORTH! Watch it, Jesus!" I shout seeing the car barely miss the back of the car. Luckily Victor saw what was going to happen and didn't follow. I heard the guy that had Sang, say he had to take a call before a piercing high pitched tone entered my head. I let out a cry of pain and hear my brothers grunt in discomfort.

"Doc, what the fuck is that?!" I hear Gabe say through the phone. I opened my mouth to answer when the pain got worse.

"Is Sang OK?" Kota asks.

"I... Can't... See... Her... Mind..." I grunt out through the pain. All of a sudden the pain stops and I can't get back into Sang's mind.

"Well that was weird." I say.

"Weird? That's the first word that comes to mind?" Owen says looking at me. I nod.

"Is everyone OK? We're lucky we didn't lose control of the cars." Kota asks. We all say our affirmative.

We drive for a couple more minutes before North jerks the wheel. I look out the window and see Sang stood on the side of the road. We all burst out of the cars and in the process Luke and Gabe end up tangled on the floor. We rush up to her and she backs away and says,

"We need to sit down and you have to tell me everything, no more secrets. I can't trust you, if you don't tell me everything. The guy that just kidnapped me might be the good guy for all I know." Well, no more secrets for us.

I thought I would only do this for Dr Green's POV. :) Hope you liked it!

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CC ;)

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