Part 30

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The boys where sceptical about allowing me back, but I told them that if I got into the slightest bit of trouble I would let them know straight away, by my phone or if I couldn't contact them through my mind. The boys wouldn't let me out of sight for the rest of the day. Mr Blackbourne and Dr Green when they found out where probably the maddest and even talked about faking my death. Dr Green was given a stern look from Mr Blackbourne for that remark. The boys drove me back to Sunnyvale and to the house I thought I would never set foot in again.

"You OK Peanut? You don't have to do this."

"Yes I do; you heard Marie. If I don't she calls the cops."

"Be careful we'll be close by." Kota says. Nathan smiles at me and squeezes my hand. Mr Blackbourne looks back at me and gives me a nod as if to say I can do it.

"One of the boy's will be with you tonight." He says. I smile in relief I just have to get through until one of them shows up. Victor squeezes my knee before getting out so I can get out. I slowly walk up to the front door and then look back at the cars and the boys in them, before opening the door and walking in. All I can hear is the loud thumping of my heart. I jump at every beat. I listen closer and can hear my step mom asleep, Marie isn't home yet. I walk up the stairs and into my old room. I sigh and sit down my bed and look around. The room is as I left it. It's a while before I hear movement from downstairs. My step-mom is walking around.

"Sang?!" She calls out. I get up and walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where she is.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Where were you?" She asks.

"You kicked me out, remember?" I reply.

"Tell me the truth. I know when you're fucking lying." She says.

"You kicked me out." I repeat.

"Stop fucking lying to me." She screams at me, picking up a plate and throwing it onto the floor. I step back to avoid the pieces.

"I'm not lying." I say quietly, looking down. She storms over to me and grabs my hair, pulling it so my face is close to hers. I can see a bead of sweat trickling down her forehead. I block the boys out, so they can't feel my pain. Tears start to fall.

"I'll give you one more chance, where were you?" She says.

"I was at a friends." I say through the tears.

"Since when have you got friends?" She asks. I look down and away.

"Oh, you found your mate." She says. My eyes flick up to her.

"N-no." I stutter out. Melody cries out as I say it. She lets go of my hair, causing me to fall to the floor. She walks over to cabinet and opens it, taking out something. She turns back to me with silver chains in her hands. She drags me across the floor and I reach into my bra and take out my phone and find the first app I see and hit the red button. I quickly put it back in my bra before my step mom sees. She gets to a door before opening it and pulling me down a set of stairs. I didn't know that we had a basement. As we keep going my head hits every step and eventually I am knocked out.


When I wake up, I feel a burning around my wrists and ankles. I blink, looking around and see I am still in the basement. How long have I been down here and what happened to the boys?

Here you are! Hope you liked it! Sorry it's so short!

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What will happen next?

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CC ;)

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