Part 22

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I wrote this on my phone so please let me know if you see any mistakes I or autocorrect could have done. :)

We drive for a while before pulling up in front of a gate. I bend down to look out of the front window and gasp at what I see. The house is massive. The top two floors hold balconies with two staircases leading up to the entrance. He presses a button, causing the gates to open allowing us entrance into the property. I turn to look at him.

"You're catching flies, Princess." He says tapping my chin. I giggle and ask,

"You live here?" I ask. He looks up at the house with a expression on his face I couldn't quite decipher.

"Yeah, but I stay with the others when I can." He answers.

"Why?" I blurt out, before I can stop myself.

"Let's just say my parents can be 'difficult'." He says giving me a sad smile. He pulls into a building and stops the car. He turns to me and gives me a pleading look.

"Don't judge me by George and Jasmine or my house, and if we do happen to bump into George or Jasmine ignore them." He says tucking a piece of stray hair behind my ear. Are George and Jasmine his Brother and Sister? I didn't know he had siblings.  I give him a smile.

"I would never judge you by anything else but yourself, you're my mate and I accept you as you are."

"Princess..." He starts and then thinks better of it. He un-clicks his seatbelt and opens the door, running around the front of the car, grabbing the door I was already opening.

"Princesses need to be treated like a Princess." He says bowing slightly with a grin on his face. I giggle.

"You don't know how good it is to hear you giggling." He says smiling. I feel a bit of remorse for putting them through what I did for a moment. Victor grabs the bags before taking my hand and pulling me after him. We walk towards the back of the house and enter a door, walking down a small corridor before going up flights of stairs. I feel slightly disappointed that we didin't go through the front but I knew Victor had a reason. We walk up three flights before exiting onto a floor. The hall holds a couple of doors on each side before opening up into a living/entertainment room.

"Which room is yours?" I ask nodding my head towards the doors. He smiles s pulls me towards him.

"They all are, this whole floor is mine." He says into my hair. My mouth falls open again resulting in Victor closing it.

"Are you hungry now?" He asks. "I can get something made for you." I shake my head.

"Tired?" He asks. I nod. I didn't sleep well last night and the emotions have all caught up with me. I sag into him causing him to pick me up bridal style. He starts to walk towards a door and before he even gets three steps I'm asleep.

Hope you liked it!

Who's excited for The Healing Power of Sugar? I know I am. One day to go!!! ;)

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CC ;)

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