Third Person POV Part 1.

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Third Person POV.

North rushed through the door with an unconscious Sang in his arms followed by Victor, Nathan, Silas and Kota. Dr Green rushed to make room on the desk for Sang to be put on. Gabe was going into a panic attack, Luke was sat next to him in a dream like state. When he saw that his best friend was having trouble breathing, he pushed his head down between his knees.

"OK North, you can put her on the desk now!" Dr Green says to North. North growls in response.

"North, you need to let me have a look at her, OK?" Dr Green says with his hands in the air. North responds with a growl, pulling her closer to his body.


"West, you know she is not just yours, so please let me have a look at our mate." He ignores his pleas and steps back. Mr Blackbourne makes eye contact with Silas and Nathan, telling them to be ready. Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne edge towards North slowly like they are approaching a scared animal, which they were. When they got close enough, Dr Green plucked Sang from his arms whilst Mr Blackbourne commanded him to stay. As soon as Sang left North's arms North shifted and started to run at Dr Green, who was trying to take his mate away. He only got a couple of steps before Silas tackled him to the ground pinning him down. Nathan stood over just in case he needed help. West growled at Silas who was pinning him down, trying to get out of his grip.

LET ME GO! West growls at Lykos.

No. Lykos simply replies. You will end up hurting her more. West starts to struggle more.

Victor and Kota stood there watching their team fall apart, Kota hadn't stopped counting since he had seen Sang and was now on 498 seconds. Victor was quiet and just watching what was around him. He wished that money could make this all better; at least he could do something then to help. Mr Blackbourne had been running his hands through his hair nonstop and had undone his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a couple of buttons, wishing there was something he could do to get his team, pack and family back together and happy, there was no point for him to be perfect anymore. Dr Green had looked over Sang and was in his bag trying to get his stethoscope, he had to stay calm he kept saying to himself, someone had to be the one in control. The boys were slowly falling apart and it would only get worse until Sang was better and happy. A girly whimper sounded through the room, everyone froze and looked to where Sang was lying on the table, where they left her. Had they just heard what they wanted to hear? Was it all in their heads? This knocked the boys out of their pity party and they all spring into action. Dr Green who had finally found the stethoscope walked over to Sang checked her heartbeat, whilst all the others crowded around closer. North had calmed down and taken back control, Silas and Nathan, along with North, all shifted back. Mr Blackbourne passed them all some clothes that he had stored in his office. Gabe's head shot up when he heard the whimper and is no longer in the state that he was in before. Luke was dragged from his daydreams, Victor and Kota rushed forwards with more spirit than before. Mr Blackbourne redid his buttons but not his tie, feeling better in himself.

"So?" They all asked at the same time.

"Well her heartbeat is there but it is getting weaker every minute."

"Well, that's good news then, she's not dead!" Gabe says.

"Yes, yes it is. But the drug is still in her system so we will have to take her to the hospital." As soon as the words left Dr Green's mouth the boys all moved at once getting ready to leave to the hospital. Silas went to pick her up to carry her out of the building when she let out an ear splitting scream.

"NO! STOP! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE DON'T! KOTA! GABE! LUKE! NATHAN! SILAS! NORTH! VICTOR! SEAN! OWEN! DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" She begs tears running down her face. A pain goes straight to each of their chests.

"Shh, Aggele we aren't going anywhere, we will never leave you." Silas says, rubbing her head soothingly. She finally quietens down Silas picks her up and heads to the door. The door was opened but before they could step out Sang let out another scream, tears were now falling down her face like a river.

"Please let them go, take me instead, kill me instead." All the boys sucked in a big breath of air, the pain in their chests getting worse. What was she dreaming about, would she really give her life for them? The boys waited for more, but nothing came. They all walked out of the office and were just leaving the building when Mr McCoy stopped them.

"What's this we have here?"

"None of your fucking business, Now get out of our fucking way!" Said...

A/N I am going to put this up in two parts so it is easier for me to write and I felt like leaving you with that! Hope you liked the update, I'm more experienced with writing first person POV so hopefully it is OK!

Who do you think said that to McCoy?

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CC ;)

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